Perth Kitesurfing School for sale:
This school has been in its current location at Woodman Point for more than 10 years. With regular foot traffic on the teaching beach, multiple instructors permitted to work and an excellent teaching location, this is a great chance to buy into a business with growth potential. The license can be amended to include Wingfoiling, Stand Up Paddle and other activities if someone wishes to pursue expansion beyond kitesurfing lessons.
The sale price includes a full set of school equipment, ready to go, and the handover of all intellectual property associated with the business/entity "Perth Kitesurfing School". It also includes importer rights for Nobile Kiteboarding in Western Australia. This is the brand used for the school kites, and also the new equipment we sell to our students. There is no vehicle included in this sale, but magnetised logos are included and can be affixed to any vehicle.
Please contact me for any enquiries.
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