2017 Ozone Reo V4
12 metre
This used Reo V4 12m which was recently traded in on new V7 Reo's is in above average condition. The kite has no damage or repairs and has the new high flow V2 bladders fitted so it will give a new owner years of wave riding fun, although they work quite well on TT's as well.
2016 Ozone Enduro V1
8 metre
This kite was traded recently and is in amazing condition, not new but used about 10-15 times and has zero damage or repairs. The bladders have been replaced and upgraded to the new V2 high flow system. Kite only with bag.
2017 Ozone Edge,Reo,Enduro
13107 metre
Edge 13M:$1000
Reo 10M with bar:$650
Enduro 7M with bar:$750
Package $2000
1 female owner
2023 Ozone Reo V6
8 metre
REO 8m V6 Kite only
Good condition,
Excellent wave kite
Only selling as update every couple of years
Ozone Bar And Lines
Ozone Edge Bar & 24m lines -$300
Good condition. Been sat in garage a few years not used aprox 2018.
Comes with race depower setup.
Ozone Reo 6M Kite
6 metre
Ozone Reo 6M Kite
This Kite is in very good condition no repairs 1st to see will buy
V2 2014 Model
The REO is the ultimate wave kite perfect for Downwinders here in Perth & because the reo is so easy to fly also the perfect beginners kite.
Ozone Reo 8M Kite
8 metre
Ozone Reo 8M Kite
This Kite is in very good condition no repairs 1st to see will buy
V3 2015 Model
The REO is the ultimate wave kite perfect for Downwinders here in Perth & because the reo is so easy to fly also the perfect beginners kite.
2015 Ozone Reo
8 metre
Ozone REO 8m 2015, canopy and bag in good condition, no repairs. Kite requires new bladders as the valves have perished. Quoted $200 for bladder kit, so 8m REO for $300 is a bargain
2014 Ozone Reo
6 metre
REO 6m, 2014, canopy and bag. Kite requires new bladders as the valves have perished. Quoted $200 for bladder kit, so 6m REO for $300 is a bargain.
2022 Ozone Reo V6
FOR SALE: Ozone Reo V6 Kite - Orange, Great Condition!
Looking for a high-performance wave kite at an amazing price? This is also a great kite for beginners who need a stable kite that is smooth in gusty conditions.