2022 Armstrong Ha, Hs & Mike Murphy Pro
NAME YOUR PRICE! (within reason)
Brand NEW Armstrong front wings with covers and bolts included (NEVER USED).
2018 North Nugget Csc
5' 0"
2018 North Nugget Kiteboard.
The very last model of the old North before it became Duotone.
2017 Ezzy Sails Elite
4 metre
This sail is in very good condition apart from 1 very small puncture which is taped up as seen in the photos.
The sail has not had alot of use over the years being a small size so the film is in excellent condition.
Standup Surf And Race Fins
Surf Fins ( All As New )
Set - Gerry Lopez Lge Thruster Fins ( Futures ) $110
Set- Gerry Lopez Lge Quad Fins ( Futures ) $110
Set - Jamie Mitchell Thruster Fins ( Futures ) $120
Set - Hatchet 6" Thruster Fins (Futures ) $ 110
2020 Mctavish Surf
9' 6" x 29.5 inches
Excellent surf Stand Up, ideal for the larger surfers.Perfect board for small to very large waves. Board is watertight, has wear & tear on nose & tail.
Comes with new Quad fin set up.
Neil Pryde Spx490 Carbon Mast Sdm
NP SPX65 490 Mast SDM
Used 9-10 times with 8.2m NP Speedster .
2024 Naish Full Range Of Quivers
Full range of 2024 Naish kites with Nvision materials.
List of quivers:
2008 Ozone Instinct Sport 2
13 metre
Please review the kite perform for review.
Wave Chaser 165 Vfx3
5' 5" x 74 Litres
The Wavechaser ($300) is a lightly used foil board. It has a few small chips on the rail from the kids scooters hitting the board which have been covered in epoxy to be sure there are no issues.
2022 Hot Sails Maui Ks3 Spiderlock
5.5 metre
Severne metal freemove boom brand new with the tag on it 400$ - SOLD
Hotsails Maui KS3 Spiderlock 5.5 - 300$
Hotsails Maui KS3 4.
2018 Kt Surfing North Rebel
9 metre
In great condition, no damage, as good as new.
4 line bridle desig