From Hook-up to Cook-Up: Steve Starling tells you how
For the fishing novice, the part between taking a fish off the hook, and plating it up for dinner is somewhat of a dark art. Not anymore! Thanks to Steve Starling and the guys from (they make really cool info-graphics), you can learn how to catch, kill, clean, and fillet your catch in less than 10 minutes. "Very few people would rate cleaning the catch as one of their favorite parts of the fishing process, but it's nonetheless a crucial job if we wish to enjoy the fruits of our efforts in the form of delicious and healthy meals of self-caught seafood.
My best advice is not to put it off for too long after landing your catch: roll your sleeves up and get stuck into it!"
This no-nonsense approach to fishing is exactly what first timers require, because without some background knowledge, things can get pretty messy when it comes to scraping scales or pulling out intestines. Steve 'Starlo' Starling even gets into the nitty-gritty about the most humane way to kill a fish (with the centuries-old Iki Jime method).
"In a perfect world, the dispatch of a relatively large and active fish may involve a combination of all three techniques described here. First, administer a single, sharp blow to the top of the head to stun and immobilize the animal. Next, use a metal spike to pierce the brain and instantly kill the fish. Finally, cut through the throat latch and gill assembly area and allow the carcass to thoroughly bleed out"
Following along with the graphic is a piece of cake, and you'll be eating a well prepared, tasty fillet of your own-caught fish in no-time thanks to some pretty snazzy artwork and great descriptions by the Tackle designer, Fly Rod World record holder and soft-plastic-tweaker - Steve 'Starlo' Starling.
Check it the info-graphic adjacent, or for more information and pictures, read the full article here.