This Fish is seriously creepy
Lurking beneath the sand on a beach in the states, was this Stargazer fish during the East Coast Surfing Championships this week. With nothing but it's beady little eyes and jagged teeth exposed, someone walked by it and probably had to stifle a squeal. It's creepy looking, and when they dug it up to see what it was, the fish doesn't get any prettier…
Normally lurking way offshore in the deep, the Stargazer (Kathetostoma leave) are venomous, and can even generate their own electricity to shock small fish and invertebrates. Despite being venomous, they can be eaten! Aussie anglers have reported the fish to taste pretty good, just watch out for the bright green bile sac, and try not to think about what it looked like when you caught it!
Where to find one? Hit the QLD coast, with Stargazers being caught off Inskip Point and even in the Maroochy River…