Tripping your anchor

Tripping your anchor is very usefull and can save you loosing one to the reef or mud pack.
By drilling a hole in the front bar of the anchor, you can place your "D" shackle there and attach the chain to it, then run the chain up along the shaft and secure it with a cable tie or two at the top of the shaft.

By doing this you can?drive back past the anchor, and trip it (should it get stuck) then pull it out by the front or "Fluke" end easily.
Remember to re-tie it for further use. We used to use copper wire before God invented cable ties ?

Remember you don't want to fasten it too good or you will not be able to bust the ties when you try and trip it.

For a light boat you would use less tieing strength than with a heavy or large boat, trial and error sometimes the best way to determing the dtrength needed.

This could save your anchor one day.