Gliding with a kite, from 909m down to the beach below.

Ever wondered if you could go paragliding with your kiteboarding kite? Turns out you can, if you're crazy enough! This guy's just done it in the Gokova, Turkey, and we think he's about as nuts as you can possibly get.

Normally, paragliders use a wing around 20 sq meters. Skydivers use a canopy around 20m and the guys doing BASE jumps, around 25m. So when you consider this dude hooks up to a 14m Ozone C4, which isn't exactly th best kite around for gliding anyway, his crazy levels go from insane, to out of this world. 909m high, that's almost 3000ft for those of you into aviation, and he simply launches, runs to the edge and jumps straight off...

We actually thought he was going to land in the water, which would have given him a couple of extra bonus points (especially if he had a board on his feet). Instead, he fell just short, nailing his landing in the grassy area inside the beach. Met by his mate on landing, of course he was quick to advise the general public not to do this at home. He also mentioned he had no paragliding, skydiving or flying experience, except that which he learned while snowkiting.

So let us tell you too, don't try this at home. But definitely watch the video!