How to change your life in 6 easy steps. Learn to Kite!

The sport of kitesurfing can, and does change lives. You'll meet new friends, challenge yourself and learn a lot about mother nature, yourself, and what it really feels like fly.
That's just in your first lesson!
But if you're still not sure about starting the sport of kitesurfing, here's six easy steps to help you change your life. It's as easy as talking to your local instructor. They would be stoked to help!
Step 1: Turn off the TV.
Step 2: Go to the beach. Watch some kitesurfers, and picture yourself doing it. Because you can!
Step 3: Talk to your instructor. Take a lesson. Then take another one. (Perhaps up to five).
Step 4: Stay positive. Even if you're struggling in the first lessons. Don't let the salt water up your nose keep you down! Blow it out and get out there for another try. Kitesurfing is about repetition and determination. The rewards are worth it!
Step 5: Go see your local shop. Buy some gear, get local advice, and make the most of local conditions. Buying from a shop ensures that you'll be riding your gear for many seasons to come.
Step 6: Ride. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. Enjoy your new sport, new friends and your new body! Kitesurfing is great for the mind and body. You'll love it!