Make sure you're out there with the kids! You're going to learn the same things they do.
So it's time for your kids first kiteboarding lesson. They have spent
all winter on their trainer kite,
learned everything there is to know about flying it and you've even gone out and
bought your first kids friendly setup from the local kite shop
. You're ready to go, all you need now is to get some lessons for the kiter grommie.
As you as a parent know, kids can be tough nuts to crack when it comes to teaching them new skills. Sure, they pick things up fast. But teaching them to be safe and competent kiters is best done over time, and by someone else! The best part about kids lessons is that you get to be part of it, whether you're a kiter yourself or not. Here's three tips to ensure you get the most from your kids kiteboarding lessons.
1: Find a good GREAT kite instructor.
By now you should be familiar with your local kite shop, after all they helped you out with some
kid specific gear
! Find out which of their kite instructors is best with kids, and introduce them to your future kiter grommie. Once they're mates (and they will be), make a lesson plan with a lesson a week, or every two days in the school holidays. Keep the same kite instructor for every one, and make sure you yourself can be there for every lesson. Bring boardies. Prepare to get wet.
2: Short lessons, more often.
Kids have short attention spans, so one hour long lessons are ideal. That includes setting up in the first few lessons too, keeping the water-time to around 30 mins at most. Head in for a break, eat some hot chips, watch the other kiters and talk about what's happening on the water. Then, if your budget allows, go out for another hours lesson. Ask your instructor if he or she can split up a normal lesson into two, and do half before another persons lesson, and half after. That gives you time to pack down and let the kids set up before their next lesson too!
3: Practice in between.
You'll be out on the water with the kids during each lesson, learning everything they do - like relaunch, how to launch from the beach, self rescue and most importantly, how the safety release works. Even if you're a kiter yourself! That way, you can take them out in between lessons for a refresher. Only practice those skills that the instructor has taught you and your child so far, and practice them lots! Never try to progress without your kids instructor around, and be sure to head out in good (safe) conditions only. While the kids pick things up quickly, extra repetitions are often needed to reinforce the important stuff (like relaunch).