Jacobsen jumps from Azzam's mast tip.
30m high and rocking back and forth, Nick couldn’t resist an offer from the Ocean Racing team to boost from the top of their mainsail. With such a square top, and a convenient flat section to balance his board from, the boost went perfectly to plan, with a quick kiteloop and silky smooth landing, Jacobsen showed that he really is the master of ‘jumping off stuff’.
Wondering what the connection with Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing is? Well, Nick is preparing for his biggest jump ever, in Abu Dhabi at the Burj Al Arab Jumeirah. Off the Burj Al Arab Jumeirah to be exact, which is 300m high. Never heard of it? Chances are you’ve seen pictures of the super fancy hotel, it’s shaped like a giant sail, and sits on it’s own little man-made island in Abu Dhabi. Rooms start at $1500 a night, and their calling card says they’re the ‘worlds most luxurious hotel’. Conveniently for Jacobsen, there’s a helipad on the roof, and with the island being completely surrounded by water, not too much can go wrong.
Dates have not yet been set for the record breaking kiteboarding stunt, but don’t worry. You’ll hear about it when it happens! That’s for sure.