Once in a decade storm heading for WA


The BoM are calling this storm a once in a decade event, and are predicting waves of up to 8 metres, causing significant beach erosion and hazardous conditions.

The extreme sport lovers amongst us are working out which spots will be working, and and when to go, but meanwhile the state emergency services are encouraging everybody to stay from the beach.

Definitely not a day for the inexperienced, and even the experienced should exercise great caution.

Forecasts are calling for 40 knot (80kmh) winds with gusts to 60 (120kmh) - that's enough to send debri flying, so make sure everything is battened down. These will be sustained winds over a long period of Sunday afternoon and evening, heading into Monday.

As at writing this, Cyclone Mangga is about just west of Cocos Keeling Islands and heading this way. There will be heavy rainfall and gale force winds