Unbelievable trick by Keahi defies gravity, physics!
If you have ever hung out at a kite competition on a light wind day, you might have seen the grommies throwing a kite bar around. It's pretty easy, one stands upwind with a kite at zenith, and they throw the bar downwind. The kite floats downwind, the bar is suspended about eye level, it's all fun and games between a few friends.
Now we know Keahi has lots of friends, but for this trick he's riding solo. But still playing catch with his Cabrinha Drifter. Yep, it's SO good at drifting, he's worked out that while surfing a hydrofoil, he can unhook and throw the bar down the line. As the kite floats along, he can keep surfing the wave on the foil, turning back towards the kite and pumping until he catches up with the bar - which is still suspended at eye level. He grabs the bar, hooks back in, flicks the kite and continues on his merry way.
"Well summer is almost here so that means it's time to start thinking of ways to keep busy with the lack of waves and I figured this would be perfect way to start." Explained Keahi on Social Media. "Always thought it would be possible throwing and catching the kite while riding but never thought it could work as well as the last one did. Fair to say the Cabrinha drifter lives up to its name perfectly!"
Unbelievable skills, a little luck, and some great gear make this possible, but perhaps don't try this one at home!