World Record Set with 352 Kiteboarders

Not all pictured, but 352 kiteboarders in one session! 
Last year news spread fast about a world record attempt to raise money for the youth charity Snow-Camp. Headed by Virgin, you know, the airline (and whatever else they choose to put their name to) and Sir Richard Branson himself, it was successfully undertaken in 2013 with 318 kiteboarders making the ride from Hayling Island to Pagham in the UK.

This year, they headed to Spain (The Virgin Kitesurfing Armada that is), and just broke their own record with 352 kiteboarders pumping up at the Best Pro Centre in Tarifa. If course they didn’t just pump up their kites, that’s another world record that will probably be set one day. They all got on the water and had a ride together. No journey this time, just a very short downwinder with some of the worlds elite. Youri Zoon and Mike Schitzhofer for example, pictured here making the most of the conditions by doing taking some tandem kiteboarding selfies.

But it doesn’t end here, oh no. There’s another one coming! Two weeks away, back on Hayling Island, they’re doing it again. This time aiming for 500 kiters, and hoping to raise more than last years £70,000 for three charities: Snow-Camp, Virgin Unite and RNLI. Three weekends are set for the two day festival of kiteboarding, with the first on the 13/14 September, following dates are the 27/28 September or 11/12 October, and the Virgin Kitesurfing Armada will go for it whenever the wind decides to join their party.

So from 318 kiteboarders in 2013, to 352 in Spain this week, they’re now going for the big one. 500+ kiteboarders making the trek from Halyling Island to Pagham, will they do it? It’s going to make the news if they do!

Check out the video below to see what went on at the Best Pro Centre in Tarifa this week.