Sail-World visitors - this week a two metre snake

We get an interesting range of visitors, beyond the old salts who drop by on a regular basis; the local wild-life often call in, unannounced.

This two metre green tree snake, (Dendrelaphis Punctulatus) has previously attempted to venture into the office via an open window, but this week was applying for a sub-editors role.

His application was not successful. He was gently returned to the bush by our Publisher (with a gloved hand).

by Brendan Maxwell,

6:52 AM Sat 29 Oct 2011 GMT
'TetraMedia’s office wildlife' &copy Click Here to view large photo
One of the benefits of high speed broadband is the ability of 21st century companies to choose their office locations free from the tyranny of wired networks.

TetraMedia's marine news network of 14 websites is operated by editors in Australia, Asia, UK, Europe, USA, Canada and New Zealand and the office locations are all very interesting.

While located in Sydney until 2001, the Sail-World head office is now in the Watagan Mountains, above Lake Macquarie on the Australian East Coast, 100kms north of Sydney.

It's quite pristine Australian dry sclerophyll forest, predominantly eucalypts, with grevilleas and banksias with some 52 bird species, four macropod species, (kangaroos and wallabies) various echidnas, possums, bandicoots, nine lizard species and half a dozen snake species having been recorded from the office veranda's over the last decade.

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