Student Yachting World Cup win to France

9:05 AM Sat 29 Oct 2011 GMT
'Student Yachting World Cup 2011' Student Yachting World Cup &copy
The Student Yachting World Cup has been won by France, from defending champions Solent University (England) and Cork Institute (Ireland).

Th final race was won by Southampton Solent University from EPF Lausanne, Switzerland, with CUS Milano, Italy third.
Student Yachting World Cup 2011 - Student Yachting World Cup &copy

Overall ranking before the judgement of the protests

1 Euromed Arthur Loyd, France (18 pts)
2 Solent University, England (defender) (29 pts)
3 Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland (42 pts)
4 Southampton University, England (45 pts)
5 EPFLausanne, Switzerland (51 pts)
6 University of Dalhousie, Canada (68 pts)
7 CUS Milano, Italy (69 pts)
8 Ecole Polytechnique Madrid, Spain (83 pts)
9 NTNU, Norway (86 pts)
10 Glasgow University, Scotland (91 pts)
11 Maine Maritime Academy, USA (95 pts)
12 Jaguiellonian University, Poland (99 pts)
13 Nautical School Dom Henrique, Portugal (112 pts)
14 Xiamen University, China (136 pts)
15 Kobe University, Japan (145 pts)