Your Chance to Reinstate Sailing in the Paralympics

The 2.4m Class is synonymous with Paralympic Sailing.  

Still reeling after the news of Sailing’s axing from the 2020 Paralympic games in Tokyo? Same here, but there is good news! No, it’s not back in the games, but there is a chance for it to be!

"The IPC Governing Board is willing to reward robust athlete participation and good sport governance. Herein lies an opportunity for sailing to regroup, reform, rejuvenate and return with an improved proposition when we [the International Paralympic Committee] launch the next review cycle in 2018."

This statement by the International Paralympic Committee sums it up in perfect legalese, so here’s a translation:

If enough letters, emails, and evidence can be submitted to the IPC, they will reconsider their decision and reinstate the sport of sailing to the Paralympics, possibly for the 2020 games in Tokyo. ISAF President Carlo Croce will lead this endeavour and is committed to working closely and directly with IPC to reinstate sailing as a sport at the first possible opportunity.

“The wider international sailing community, including sailors, MNAs, RNAs and Classes will be critical to the early success of this endeavor” says ISAF in a press release this week.

Are you a sailor? Do you want sailing reinstated in the Paralympic games? Would you hate to see sailing axed from the Olympic games?

Get on board and write a letter, share your stories and inspirational photos of sailing, then send them to this email: