Have you ever been stand up paddling, seen a splash (or a shadow) and immediately freaked out? Thought a shark was coming for you? Then realized it was just a dolphin?
The scenario is familiar to many paddlers, and while it's not always a dolphin, sometimes a sea turtle, or stingray, one can't help but feel a little edgy after such an encounter. Not Zane Schweitzer though; when he found out there was a pod of dolphins off his home beach in Maui, he grabbed a board and went to investigate.
What he found was a pretty special moment. Hundred of dolphins swimming down the coastline, and they were happy for him to tag along! The crystal clear water allowed Zane to see exactly how inquisitive these animals were, he even jumped off his SUP to swim with them for a while! Now we know about this thanks to his brother Matty, who was on hand with a drone to film the whole thing from above. The unique perspective allows the viewer to see just how many dolphins were actually swimming around Zane that day, litterally in the hundreds!
Have you had an encounter with dolphins like this while stand up paddling?
Let us know in the SUP forums!
Check out the video of Zane Schweitzer, stand up paddling with a school of hundred of dolphins off Maui.