Taking 'Couch Surfing' Literally.
Doors, dinner tables, ironing boards. Random planks of wood that wash up on the beach. You name it, some grommie has tried to surf it. Heck, even Kelly Slater has been snapped surfing an upside down table!
A couch though? Only with a stand up paddle board, and only in Australia.
"We've all been a couch surfer at some point of our lives, doing whatever, kicking back relaxing, watching the Idiot Box or just reading a book. Well, its time to sit up, turn off the tele and if you're reading a book, put it down Nerd! Dogman has just turned Science fiction into Science fact. If you drag your couch outside, put it on a SUP and paddle out, you can watch the world go by in Full HyperReal HD and Surround Sound...not to mention how cool you'll look."
See just how cool the Dogman looks with his bright blue recliner on his SUP, in the video clip below.