66 Surfers claim World Record - on a single 'Shortboard'!
Well, they achieved two out of the three! Piling 66 surfers (including a couple of Pro’s, a local congressman and heaps of locals) onto a 42ft ‘shortboard’ and surfing a wave for at least 10 seconds, the surf-town secured claims to two world records.
The first, for the largest surfboard in the world was the handywork of the OC’s Westerly Marine, shaping the board designed from Australian shaper Nev Hymans own drawings. Weighing so much that a crane was required to get the board in the water, and measuring 42’x11’x1’, the worlds largest surfboard took all 66 of the participants to wax up! Each doing their own section of the board, it was quickly hauled into the water and towed out to sea by jetski. The ski towed it onto the wave too, ensuring the second world record could be broken.
That record, for the most people to surf a wave on the same board was claimed from our very own shores. Back in 2009, Snapper Rocks saw 60 people jump on a 40ft board to break the (then) unclaimed record, but last week Huntington Beach squeezed the Aussies out, cramming no less than 66 on the board for the magic 10 second period.
By no means was it gnarly, rad or fully sick, but nobody can deny that the board was surfing a wave, and it did so with all participants on board. Each one of them were totally stoked, and so were the thousands of on-lookers lining the world famous Huntington Beach Pier and beach.
Check out the official clip from Guinness World Records to see how the worlds largest surfboard took 66 surfers for the ride of their lives…