Crocodile in the Lineup Halts Surf Contest

"Me and another guy say to each other, 'let's paddle down the beach' - we paddled down and it followed us, and then it submerged in front of us. We saw the whole thing - it was probably six to eight feet long" Explains Tyler Gunter. "I was paddling into a wave and saw it rush at me, so took the wave and went left into the closeout, instead of going right, and went straight in to the beach,"
Only a few kms from a river mouth, with murky water and perfect peeling rights - Playa Esterillo is a pristine beachie for those who are prepared to brave it. Event organisers scoured the lineup and surrounding areas after Tyler reported the sighting, but no crocs were found and surfers returned to the water shortly after. Nobody doubts his story of course, that place is croc city, but they just couldn't find the big guy.
With two days left in the event, there's still plenty of time for dinner, but you can be sure surfers are being extra vigilant while siting out the back!