Indoor Surfing by Devin Graham

Never heard of flow riding? Here’s how it works.
Finally, YouTube mega-star Devin Graham has turned his camera towards some surfers. Kind of, they’re flow riders, but it’s like surfing, except indoors and with boards that are more akin to skateboards.

Now when Devin Graham does a video, not only does it immediately get clicked on by millions of followers, it comes with a unique set of traits which makes it instantly recognizable as one of his. Aside from the teeny bopper boy-band music, Devin does slowmo. Lots of it, and in ultra high definition. 4k to be exact, and what better way to introduce yourself to the sport of Flow Riding (which is not surfing, but kinda-sorta looks like it) than by watching every single little droplet of water as it flicks off their boards.

Never heard of flow riding? Here’s how it works.

You take a man-made hill, cover it in plastic, then put a couple of high powered water pumps at the bottom. The pumps shoot water in a thin layer up the hill, which then flows back to be recycled over and over again. Now the ‘riding’ part happens by using a small board, and a combination of gravity and friction (and a whole heap of other forces) just like surfing. Water goes up, surfer goes down, up, sideways and wherever he or she wants. Best part about it, is there’s no paddling, duckdiving or going ‘over the falls’. Is it surfing? Hardly, but it sure looks like fun.

Check it out below, and if you’re interested in having a go at one of these things, chances are there’s one in your state!
