Surfing's Latest 'Moment' in the spotlight: The backflip
Even waves like this, can produce surf videos watched by millions.
Ex 'Big Brother' contestant, ex gymnast, current advocate for having fun in the surf: Dor Damari paddles into a tiny wave on a foamy. He pops up, looks around and launches into a backflip.
This 'aint your typical John John Florence style rodeo flip. It's just a backflip, gymnast style, with the board on the water. Surfing's most hilarious move right now, and the grommies are trying to smash them out at beaches worldwide.
"I hope it gives inspiration to surfers and non-surfers around the world. Every day, we see there are new ways to enjoy surfing. Maybe this video will inspire people to start practicing surf acrobatics. I’m just trying to find new things that will open my eyes and mind. Someone who is maybe a gymnast or a professional acrobat could take this hobby to whole new levels." Says Dor Domari, the guy who started this craze.
Maybe it will catch on? Look out ASP, there might be foamies being packed into the pro's quiver bags in the future...