The Pipe Rodeo and Impossible Recovery - John John Florence
This week he leaves us with two clips, both of which are seriously nuts and never before seen in surfing. The first, is what seems to be a botched aerial that he somehow turns into a crazy backwards-facing-nose-riding landing amidst the whitewater. How he didn’t break the nose of his board is beyond us, and how he managed to keep his foot on the nose without wax is even crazier.
Then John John Florence paddles out out at Pipeline, albeit with smaller swell than the previous week where he surfed what’s being called ‘The wave of winter’ (in the Northern Hemispehere that is). He casually busts one of the biggest rodeo’s we’ve ever witnessed in the sport. It’s high, it’s clean, and he surfs away like nothing ever happened.
With what seems to be a weekly newsworthy video clip, John John is turning almost every head in the surfing world his way. Magazine covers with his face on them are piled up on his coffee table, sponsors are watching with dollar signs in their eyes as grommies scamble to buy anything he puts his name to, and surfers all over the world are trying to keep up with the guys bag of tricks.
Check out the videos of John John Florence’s next level surfing below.