26.03.2013 - by: Chris Yates


Andre Paskowski reveals that he has another windsurfing masterpiece on the horizon

It seems just like yesterday that windsurfing's successful producer Andre Paskowski (30) from Hamburg (GER) released his last movie ,Rewarded' about his close friend, five-times Freestyle World Champion Jose Gollito Estredo (Fanatic / North) in October 2012. Now Andre Paskowski officially announced that the production of his new windsurfing movie has started. To mark the occasion he already confirmed the final title as ,Below the Surface' and announced the world premier scheduled for this year's RENO Windsurf World Cup Sylt by the end of September.

Well-known for putting together finest windsurfing movies Andre Paskowski takes the discipline Waveriding center stage again. Scheduled locations will be five of the best waveriding spots around the world. 'Below the Surface' will be both an action packed sports movie and an impressive documentary including Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North), his Friends and Rivals, Andre Paskowski explains the concept without telling the names of the prominent protagonists yet.

To realize ,Below The Surface' Andre Paskowski and his production company FRUITLOOP PRODUCTIONS are looking for sponsors. In the past the production costs were merely covered by private financing and donations from fans, Andre explains the situation. This time we are looking for official partners who support ,Below the Surface'. For further information or expression of interest please send an email to

About Andre Paskowski:

Since the two-times European Freestyle Champion was diagnosed with cancer he had to put his sportiving career on hold in 2010. Filming brought a new meaning to his life and so Andre became one of the most successful producers in the windsurfing movie scene. ,Wet and Salty' (2004), ,Flashback' and ,Four Dimensions' (2009) are the names of his first remarkable films. The definitive breakthrough was achieved by ,Minds Wide Open' (2011), which was nominated for participation at the important X-Dance Action Sport Film Festival in Salt Lake City / USA, just like it's two followers ,Magic Moments' and ,Rewarded' (2012).

We also launched a Facebook Page and Twitter Channel:

Twitter: bts_movie

For More Info, More Pictures, Interview requests please Email to: