Red Bull Storm Chase Mission 2 to Tasmania
August 17, 2013 - Massive storm approaches Tasmania. The Southern Ocean has woken up with wind forecast maps showing massive purple patches suitable for the most-challenging windsurfing contest of all time. The six participating sailors have journeyed to Tasmania in the hunt for a giant storm approaching from the Great Southern Ocean. Choosing the island state's far North West coastline near Marrawah - often called the edge of the world - Mission #2 of the Red Bull Storm Chase could start as soon as first light tomorrow morning Sunday, 18th August.
The spot: Marrawah, Tasmania
Tasmania lies right in the 'Roaring Forties' corridor and is in prime position to collide with the fiercest Southern Hemisphere weather systems. Boasting the highest wind statistics in Australia, the island state's coast is wild and often receives surf in the 15-metre region, while around the Marrawah region of the North West coast, storm-force winds up to and exceeding 70 knots are commonplace.
Two spots could suit the forecast for wind orientation, Temma and ,Back of Lighthouse', near West Point, both reef breaks being capable of holding huge swells and giving good options for the likely wind direction.
A series of reefs near Temma Harbour offer good side-shore (wind from right) options in North or North West wind directions. The access is good with plenty of grassy areas for the crew infrastructure and athletes to prepare their equipment. Having a harbour and slipways nearby aid the safety backup crew and provide further launching options for competitors in large surf conditions.
Spot Option 2: 'BACK OF LIGHTHOUSE' (BOL) ?
Located on the West Point peninsular, BOL is a likely choice in South West to West-South-West wind. Launching in a small cove allows access to a long, peeling point break (left-hander) that should see surf well over mast high in swells over five metres. Kelp, strong rips and savage rocks on the inside make for a challenging launch.
Average Temperatures: Air (Aug-Nov): 12?C, Water (Aug-Nov): 12?C
Six windsurfers will compete in Mission #2: Marcilio Browne (BRA) (Goya Windsurfing / MFC), Daniel Bruch (GER) (Starboard / Severne / AL360), Victor Fernandez Lopez (ESP) (Fanatic / North / MFC), Julien Taboulet (FRA), and Thomas Traversa (FRA) (Tabou / Gaastra). Due to injury, Leon Jamaer (GER) (Fanatic / Hot Sails Maui) will replace Robby Swift (GBR) (JP / NeilPryde / Mystic / Maui Ultra Fins).
Four of the six athletes on Mission #2 will qualify for the third and final mission to crown the victorious Red Bull Storm Chase Champion of 2013.
Waves and jumps are scored on a scale from 1 to 10. Focus is on radicalness and height. An extremely high jump without a clean landing can get higher scores than a clean landed one. In order to incentivise sailors for variety, points will be deducted for repeating in their top-5 scored moves.
The criteria for sessions will be set by the three Judges - Head Judge Duncan Coombs, Sports Director Klaas Voget and Guest Judge Scott McKercher. Competitors will be mixed and drawn by the Headjudge. Every sailor will have the opportunity to go out for multiple sessions. Judges will present the actual ranking after every complete round of sessions. The 5 best jumps and the 5 best waves from all sessions during the mission will be taken into the final score.
Real-time mission reports from the athletes and crew members, latest information and stunning images from the Mission will be posted at
Duncan Coombs, Red Bull Storm Chase Headjudge
"Red Bull Storm Chase Mission #2 Tasmania will be the big wave chargers' dream. We will see the best XXL wave extreme storm conditions ever ridden. It will be cold, roughly the same temperatures as Ireland. This makes things even tougher for the riders. All rescue crew will be on full alert in these challenging conditions."
Klaas Voget, Red Bull Storm Chase Sports & Athletes Manager
"When scouting the whole world for locations, Tasmania was one of the first places that came to our minds. It's right in the roaring forties and gets some of the biggest storms and swells in the world. The spots are remote and it's a challenging mission to get there, but this is part of the Red Bull Storm Chase. I'm looking forward to see the remaining six sailors battling with the extreme conditions and each other for the four slots into the third and final mission."
Marcilio "Brawzinho" Browne, Storm Chaser (BRA)
"We'll be ready to take Tasmania on! No matter how long our journey around the globe was as it could be super-windy with massive waves, which is exactly what we've come for."
Dany Bruch, Storm Chaser (GER)
"The forecast seems to be pretty epic. I'm so excited to see the coastline. We witnessed amazing scenery from the special charter flight in. It's a real big-wave hunting adventure."
Victor Fernandez-Lopez, Storm Chaser (ESP)
"It's really good to see the Tasmanian landscape. It's been a super-long trip to get here but the spirit amongst the competitors is superb and we're all amped to get on the water."
Leon Jamaer, Storm Chaser (GER)
"It's an amazing vibe and experience so far, with all of us in the charter plane over from Melbourne together and I can't wait to see the Ocean and the spot we'll be sailing at."
Julien Taboulet, Storm Chaser (FRA)
"It feels good being in expectation, waiting for this big storm, especially as it's my first time in Australia. I think we'll really know all about what a Southern Ocean storm is tomorrow when we hit the water - it feels like we're at the end of the world!"
Thomas Traversa, Storm Chaser (FRA)
"I heard it could be a massive swell, which already makes it a different game to Mission 1 in Ireland, as now we face storm-force wind and huge surf."