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Air fryers and why they should be thrown away

Created by FormulaNova 9 months ago, 30 May 2024
WA, 14911 posts
30 May 2024 9:38PM
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Well, I am sure I am the last person on the planet to buy one of these things, but I finally succumbed. A friend was telling me about how you can cook broccoli and cauliflower and all those good sorts of vegetables and they actually taste good! To my surprise it's true.

It's quick too.

But, I have now figured out that they cook chips, chicken tenders, meat pies, meatballs, and all sorts of tasty stuff. I am doomed. I need to get rid of it.

Does anyone have any healthy things I can cook in it that will make me turn away from the evil chicken strips it currently cooks?

QLD, 1399 posts
31 May 2024 5:22AM
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FormulaNova said..
Well, I am sure I am the last person on the planet to buy one of these things, but I finally succumbed. A friend was telling me about how you can cook broccoli and cauliflower and all those good sorts of vegetables and they actually taste good! To my surprise it's true.

It's quick too.

But, I have now figured out that they cook chips, chicken tenders, meat pies, meatballs, and all sorts of tasty stuff. I am doomed. I need to get rid of it.

Does anyone have any healthy things I can cook in it that will make me turn away from the evil chicken strips it currently cooks?

Try broccoli and cauliflower

VIC, 124 posts
31 May 2024 7:02AM
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Catch yourself some squid. Comes up a treat!

WA, 8774 posts
31 May 2024 5:26AM
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Whats the secret for Cauli and Broc, ours keeps coming out crispy

WA, 14911 posts
31 May 2024 8:12AM
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elmo said..
Whats the secret for Cauli and Broc, ours keeps coming out crispy

I don't mind that, you know. I have happily been eating broccoli with crispy ends. But I think the actual answer is add a bit of water to the pan before cooking them or don't cook them as long or as hot. I'm new to this and feel its a bit like this:

QLD, 463 posts
31 May 2024 10:17PM
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If your going to cook chips make sure they are home made and cut from potatoes yourself.
Frozen chips are pre cooked in Canola oil (seed oils)
I can't be bothered explaining so here are some graphs.

WA, 1313 posts
31 May 2024 10:26PM
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Yep, completely unbiased

WA, 1313 posts
31 May 2024 10:31PM
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What about nut oils?

WA, 1313 posts
1 Jun 2024 6:16AM
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FN, have you tried doing jerky in it?

831 posts
1 Jun 2024 6:22AM
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I was hesitant on getting another kitchen appliance that would get used for a while then sit in the pantry.
Now we use it a lot on a regular basis, in fact even upgraded to dual draw!
Yes, cooks yummy stuff and some self-control to make nice and tasty food.
Lamb with a rub on and beautiful with soft taco and fresh salad

WA, 1774 posts
1 Jun 2024 11:56AM
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I couldn't remember much about the biochemistry of Linoleic Acid (LA), an essential omega 6 fatty acid, so I had to get out my old textbooks. (I got the horrors just seeing that old tome again - Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry for any one else who shares bad memories of Biochem.) But in any case, after refreshing my memory I went and had a look at some current literature reviews of studies on LA and I learnt some new stuff.

To whit, it seems Snoidberg's post is not without merit. That said, I feel the marketing material from ZeroAcre is an oversimplification of the current level of research and understanding.( I guess that's not surprising if they are trying to sell you a product)

Moving on: The research does support the finding that the ratio of omega 6 and omega 3 fats in our diet has shifted markedly. There is also evidence suggesting that a ratio too high in omega 6 fatty acids interferes with insulin metabolism in humans with the right mix of genes/lifestyle/stressors/ etc. However it's a probably a complex multifactorial interplay and not a simple rule that applies to every person. This lit. review on pubMed is worth a read if interested:

This is the last paragraph of the above: "Regardless of what future findings may indicate on the relationship between heart disease, glucose regulation, and dietary LA intake, there is significant molecular and clinical evidence that the species-specific metabolic effects of LA and other dietary fats are dependent on the individual who consumes them. As such, the use of reductionist dietary recommendations that generalize the role of SFAs, (saturated fats) MUFAs, (monounsaturated fats)and PUFAs (polyunsaturated fats) in the body could be exacerbating, rather than alleviating, the current epidemic of chronic metabolic diseases."

WA, 14911 posts
1 Jun 2024 2:11PM
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I read something yesterday that had the 10 key things to a longer life and I think number 4 or 5 was quiting smoking.

Well, I am going to give it a try if it prolongs my life. I need to take it up first though, but I hope giving it up becomes easy after that. Do I need to inhale or not? Do I need to buy a full pack or just a single cigarette?

When I look at the 'increased risk of death' above, all I see is that I can have more salt, eat more processed meat (Mmmmm), have more sugar, take up smoking, drink a lot more alcohol, and give up exercise, all before I worry about what oils to use.

I am not sure Canola oil is really the risk I need to worry about

WA, 14911 posts
1 Jun 2024 2:32PM
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515 said..
I was hesitant on getting another kitchen appliance that would get used for a while then sit in the pantry.
Now we use it a lot on a regular basis, in fact even upgraded to dual draw!
Yes, cooks yummy stuff and some self-control to make nice and tasty food.
Lamb with a rub on and beautiful with soft taco and fresh salad

Yeah, I ignored them for ages. I had a great convection microwave that I used for crisping things. My mum replaced hers with an airfryer and I never saw the attraction. Then a mate who is losing weight suggested them as a way to cook good food tastier.

I am not sure my roast pumpkin from yesterday was healthy but it sure tasted good. No oil, just roasted in the airfryer.

I can agree with Snoidberg above in that 'frozen' chips are obviously cooked in oil first, because when you cook them in the airfryer, you end up with oil coming from somewhere into the pan. I had a grandmother that used to cook chips from potatoes and they are very different in texture.

I bought a dual drawer airfryer from Kmart and it's pretty useful. You can cook everything together but at different temps with different timers.

But I can't see myself losing weight the way I am going.

WA, 1313 posts
1 Jun 2024 11:01PM
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I feel that we should all acknowledge what the Fangman has done.

He has looked at the best scientific evidence available and distilled it down for us mere mortals.
He doesn't claim to have any better knowledge or understanding, just presents what we know.

Neither side benefits from "Me good, You evil" arguments.

Metabolic disease is complex, therefore science rather ideology is a better way to identify and resolve.


When you start researching this, please remember:
Is the author speaking outside their expertise?
Are they making "All Or Nothing"statements?
Do they have an obvious conflict of interest?
Are using phrases to evoke fear relating to your health?
And probably easiest to identify - are they selling you something?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Air fryers and why they should be thrown away" started by FormulaNova