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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Are wheelies a thing now?

Created by kk > 9 months ago, 23 Aug 2020
WA, 949 posts
23 Aug 2020 7:00PM
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I see a lot a crew practicing doing wheelies on bikes that all seem to be of similar construction. Some of them can go for hundreds of metres, one dude is practicing doing down hill wheelies in front of our house.

Is this just a Bunvegas thing or is it more wide spread?

NSW, 2465 posts
23 Aug 2020 9:10PM
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Down hill its called a Manual, been a thing for years

Bit fishy
WA, 50 posts
23 Aug 2020 7:52PM
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Love a manual, sorts the riders from the wannabes and gunnas. Been on a bike all my days . I'm mid 40's now and still froth mountain biking . I enjoy giving tips to all the local kids on balance points , shifting weight and rear brake drag . It's cool to come home from work and watch them practicing, bunny hop , wheeling and jumping from home made ramps . Takes me back
I miss my 20" bmx .

knot board
QLD, 1241 posts
24 Aug 2020 10:48AM
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Nothing drops panties quicker than a good wheelie

VIC, 17517 posts
24 Aug 2020 12:00PM
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It's always been a thing..

QLD, 1989 posts
24 Aug 2020 12:32PM
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Bogan mating display.

WA, 14911 posts
24 Aug 2020 10:37AM
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knot board said..
Nothing drops panties quicker than a good wheelie

Wow, things are different up there in Qld.

WA, 1367 posts
24 Aug 2020 12:16PM
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A good Mono, seperates the boys from the girls.

WA, 7489 posts
24 Aug 2020 1:21PM
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My son has nailed them on a mtb. I need a motor 360 vid so click and drag around.

WA, 470 posts
24 Aug 2020 1:50PM
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Sounds like a lot of effort on a mountain bike ??

VIC, 871 posts
24 Aug 2020 4:59PM
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there's a local bogan/derro/houso who can mono like an absolute wizard.
No front teeth or anything, but he'll ride one wheel for kms, down the main street alongside parked cars, in and out of pedestrians and over zebra crossings. Puts the lycra latte crowd to shame.

This is on his mountainbike mind you
I gave him a nod one day as he passed, appreciating his skill and we are virtual besties now.

WA, 1849 posts
24 Aug 2020 6:42PM
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^^^ There's a kid getting around my community who's always one one wheel to the point I had to ask him one day if he was aware his bike had two wheels

QLD, 239 posts
24 Aug 2020 9:51PM
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knot board said..
Nothing drops panties quicker than a good wheelie

Nothing like a good wheelie to put you on your ass if you dont know what your doing! When i was 16-17 at a mates farm i decided to try and rip a wheelie in front of everyone. Well that didnt go to plan, i stacking it in front of about 10 people and ended up on crutches for 12 weeks. 13 years later and havent tried to wheelie since
Wheelie safely kids.

QLD, 12351 posts
24 Aug 2020 10:12PM
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Using a motor vehicle of some kind as a penis/ego extension I feel will be around for a long time yet.

Unfortunately the ****s that engage in such activity have no regard for the other people whom their behavior affects.

Whoops sorry. You are talking about mountain downhill bikes here.

Carry on.

Bit fishy
WA, 50 posts
24 Aug 2020 8:37PM
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cisco can't wheelie

WA, 949 posts
24 Aug 2020 8:58PM
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Sorry guys and gals I'm talking about wheelies on push bikes, ones that appear to be specialized for wheelies.

JetSkie wheelies are not really what I was talking about, but whatever floats your boat

NSW, 590 posts
24 Aug 2020 11:05PM
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Flatty said..

knot board said..
Nothing drops panties quicker than a good wheelie

Nothing like a good wheelie to put you on your ass if you dont know what your doing! When i was 16-17 at a mates farm i decided to try and rip a wheelie in front of everyone. Well that didnt go to plan, i stacking it in front of about 10 people and ended up on crutches for 12 weeks. 13 years later and havent tried to wheelie since
Wheelie safely kids.

So that's not you tinny bashin your avatar then ?

QLD, 4087 posts
25 Aug 2020 8:20AM
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Flatty said..

knot board said..
Nothing drops panties quicker than a good wheelie

Nothing like a good wheelie to put you on your ass if you dont know what your doing! When i was 16-17 at a mates farm i decided to try and rip a wheelie in front of everyone. Well that didnt go to plan, i stacking it in front of about 10 people and ended up on crutches for 12 weeks. 13 years later and havent tried to wheelie since
Wheelie safely kids.

Ha. By the time I got my first clipless (cleat) pedals at uni I already had many years of wheelie practice. Unfortunately I had zero experience at detaching my feet from my pedals, so on the very first day with the pedals I managed to overbalance over the back and go down hard on my tail instead of getting my feet to the ground in time. There I was lying on the road in some discomfort and the first car that came along (appeared to be full of tourists) just drove around me and kept going. I thought that was pretty poor form. [generational rant] It's probably just what you'd expect these days [/generational rant].

QLD, 391 posts
25 Aug 2020 8:38AM
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Back when I was a lad we used to count the number of pedal strokes to measure how good our mono's were.
I had a mate who could mono his 10 speed racer till the front wheel stopped turning.... You don't have to count pedals after that.
We all wanted to be like him

WA, 1606 posts
25 Aug 2020 6:51AM
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GWatto said..
Back when I was a lad we used to count the number of pedal strokes to measure how good our mono's were.
I had a mate who could mono his 10 speed racer till the front wheel stopped turning.... You don't have to count pedals after that.
We all wanted to be like him

similar experiences, 10 speed racers and banana seat 20" dragsters, wheelies where performed from the seat, and power poles where the measure.

QLD, 239 posts
25 Aug 2020 5:55PM
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HotBodMon said..

Flatty said..

knot board said..
Nothing drops panties quicker than a good wheelie

Nothing like a good wheelie to put you on your ass if you dont know what your doing! When i was 16-17 at a mates farm i decided to try and rip a wheelie in front of everyone. Well that didnt go to plan, i stacking it in front of about 10 people and ended up on crutches for 12 weeks. 13 years later and havent tried to wheelie since
Wheelie safely kids.

So that's not you tinny bashin your avatar then ?

I wish i could womp that good with someone taking a photo! Thats just the tinny bashing facebook page photo. Are you a tinny basher yourself?

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
25 Aug 2020 5:50PM
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There's a Dude along the Northern Perth beaches, perhaps still, but certainly long ago, had a small bucket of sand slung under the seat/sissybar thing and would just cruise the coast, up and down inclines, big smile on his dial, and I can't say that I had ever seen his front wheel down.
Did I imagine that I saw him last year after decades?

VIC, 871 posts
25 Aug 2020 8:36PM
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yeah and then our dragsters were outdone by the intro of bmx's.
Anyone with a decent layback now had 1/2 a chance.
if you could mono the Cyclops 10 speed, you were a winner in my book.
Extra points if you could change gear midway..

383 posts
26 Aug 2020 11:45AM
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If monos are cool monos all the time must be cooler.

NSW, 4521 posts
26 Aug 2020 3:10PM
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GasHazard said..
If monos are cool monos all the time must be cooler.

This statement at 0:47 made me smile..... "It's a very, very inefficient way to get around the woods".

SA, 323 posts
29 Aug 2020 9:17PM
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I remember longest powerslides being a thing.
backpedal brakes were the go.

VIC, 17517 posts
30 Aug 2020 12:16AM
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QLD, 4863 posts
30 Aug 2020 7:33AM
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No handed foot jam endos, rock walks.

VIC, 873 posts
30 Aug 2020 9:18PM
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DavidJohn said..

Brilliant !

And he's standing up.

What show was that DJ ?

knot board
QLD, 1241 posts
31 Aug 2020 12:37PM
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shoodbegood said..

DavidJohn said..

Brilliant !

And he's standing up.

What show was that DJ ?

I recognize it from the start of a classic motorcyling doco from 1971 called "On any Sunday" - full version is on YouTube.

knot board
QLD, 1241 posts
31 Aug 2020 12:40PM
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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Are wheelies a thing now?" started by kk