I have done some really ****ed up stuff in Bali woohoo, great place, Iam usually real nice to the locals except for the time i got punched in the chin by one.
Cisco went in 74 and didnt even like it jeezus christ thats the golden age of uluwatu but you didnt go to uluwatu did you.
For the chiluns these days its a rite of passage to get that stamp in the passport and who can blame them.
And i got about 40 hrs worth of real tattoo work in bali, just had a blood test recently and Iam disease free.
Yes we have seen your teen years bicycle riding pics. lol
Actually was pretty hard core like you say, no brakes, no gears, no helmets
Seen lots of funny things tattooed this year in Indo. This one was a German fella who had his face put on his asse cheek. Photo does not do the creation justice. He had another one on his magic stick but I did not take a pic of that
I bet he is glad he went for the real deal. A blistering would have been pretty uncomfortable. I also saw a pretty robust lady with her calves inked - one was the parts of a pig and the other a cow. Weird.
The chick had something similar to one of these on each calf muscle. They were matching in style and done fairly professionally but if u ask me they looked terrible. But each to their own
Thats awesome if she doesnt get the right cut of meat she ordered she can fly right off the handle...nice choice love
fark me..................... the guy portrait is scary! The best thing is it is on his ass and he doesn't need to see it every day! Big fail!
There are things you can do in OZ you cant do in Bali.
I got offered pot while in Bali.....diddnt take the offer as common knowledge....will end up bad
In OZ I would have taken it in a heart beat.
Hey Stephen, I went to Sorrento Primary too, Miss Holbrooks textas were cool for softies...Mr Winter gave better Tatts with the old hard dodgeball
pow right in the face, no sorry just you're out
Years ago my brother and two of his mates got messed up pretty badly from these Bali henna tattoos. They were both about 16 at the time and it took months for my brother's to heal and a lot longer for his mates. If memory serves me correctly one of his mates made the news 10+ years ago.
I've been to Bali 8 or 9 times i guess and it really is a ****hole. People think the locals love us but they really don't. The majority simply see tourists as walking ATM's and treat us accordingly. You might think your well travelled and cultured because your driver took you to meet his family in the village but really he just wants more money.
Funny topic
bali lovers and bali haters
Bit like going down the AUSTRALIAN hair dresser and getting your scalp burnt .............
JUSTON THE NEWS Like you carnt even go do a fitness class / join a group go for a run walk at your local park with out being hasseled to pay OR have some one with a licence to charge you more .............well what about the bike riders in groups .........in the mornings
Australia is fast becoming instututionalised by rules and fool which we pay for with our taxes and council rates etc etc
ink me up ............... i love the joint ...............
Rex you got a keen eye ........ you mean here the windiest spot in indo with the most water and area and waves ?????
heeee yes it is windy lishis
5.5 floaty board fully fangoed 9m kite -12 on da edge every arvo brother
TATOOED in my head