Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Bite the bullet

Created by RumChaser > 9 months ago, 29 Aug 2023
TAS, 624 posts
29 Aug 2023 8:36AM
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Finally did it. Where I sail we get a lot of marginal stuff. 10-12 knot sea breezes that just annoy the bejeezus out of you. Raided the piggy bank and bought a JP Magic Ride 149. Matched with my 7.5 E;zzy I reckon I'll be able to go out heaps more. Even non-planning will be more fun now I won't be wobbling all over the place and struggling to turn around. Will give me a chance to practice a few moves without falling in as well. And no, don't want to foil. Love bouncing over the chops and swell. Makes you feel alive. Bring on the summer sea-breezes!!!!
Moral to the story, ride what suits your area, you'll have a lot more fun.

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1554 posts
29 Aug 2023 8:11AM
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RumChaser said..
Finally did it. Where I sail we get a lot of marginal stuff. 10-12 knot sea breezes that just annoy the bejeezus out of you. Raided the piggy bank and bought a JP Magic Ride 149. Matched with my 7.5 E;zzy I reckon I'll be able to go out heaps more. Even non-planning will be more fun now I won't be wobbling all over the place and struggling to turn around. Will give me a chance to practice a few moves without falling in as well. And no, don't want to foil. Love bouncing over the chops and swell. Makes you feel alive. Bring on the summer sea-breezes!!!!
Moral to the story, ride what suits your area, you'll have a lot more fun.

Nice work mate!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Bite the bullet" started by RumChaser