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Camping cookers baned in NSW

Created by Twohull > 9 months ago, 18 Mar 2015
QLD, 149 posts
18 Mar 2015 8:35PM
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Hi there, this link to NSW gov site was posted by me in sailing section, and sugestion was that it shall be posted on general as well. Manitulak.

WA, 947 posts
18 Mar 2015 7:08PM
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I was wondering why they weren't in stock at the usual places like Bunnings and BCF just last week.

I'll still use mine when its needed they are great backup when the power goes out, I'd say its just a case of using common sense............ I know it's not very common.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
18 Mar 2015 10:07PM
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I'm not in nsw but they'd have to pry my 2 out of my cold dead hands. I love them. It's pretty simple, remove butane can for travel. Use where safe.
Don't use oversize pan that reflects flame back onto can.

WA, 1675 posts
19 Mar 2015 9:59AM
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bugger I was in masters and big w only a week ago looking for some and was told they took them off the shelf that morning.
That probably explains why bunnings had the butane canisters so cheap too.
Bloody NSW stuffing it for the rest of us again

VIC, 1040 posts
19 Mar 2015 1:26PM
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I must admit that once I set ablaze this cooker nearly burning down a rental camper van when traveling in NZ.
They placed the top upside down so the cooker would fit into the drawer at the back of the van. And there was a warning sing on the wall, but who read the sings anyway, especially after few beers.
So the butan can wasn't placed properly causing leak.

WA, 14848 posts
19 Mar 2015 12:34PM
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I bought one of the fancy (cheap) camping stoves off of ebay, and an adapter to go to these butane cylinders. These things can put out a lot of heat. Much more than the cheap cookers from Bunnings or BCF.

NSW, 4188 posts
19 Mar 2015 3:59PM
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manitulak said...

Hi there, this link to NSW gov site was posted by me in sailing section, and sugestion was that it shall be posted on general as well. Manitulak.

Nice work Manitulak - thanks for sharing!

Interesting that this is not (yet) a recall, but time will tell...


27 posts
19 Mar 2015 1:03PM
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Are vending machines still legal?
I've heard these are quite dangerous too.

WA, 2940 posts
19 Mar 2015 1:30PM
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they can suck a fat one .

simply unlock the can when not in use .

we use two all the time for steamboats . Had one for many many years and never had mine explode . Alot of this is stupidity of the user .

NSW, 4188 posts
19 Mar 2015 4:40PM
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Apparently it takes quite a bit to get these to explode...

WA, 598 posts
19 Mar 2015 3:05PM
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GalahOnTheBay said..
Apparently it takes quite a bit to get these to explode...

I hate to admit it, but I stuffed around with one of these, and because the ignitors work so well, ignited it accidentally.... even though gas was pouring out of the bit where the cylinder meets the cooker. The thing was a ball of flame, but I figured it was better to move it outside and drown it with the hose instead of seeing how much they take to explode.

Lots of singed hair later, it was out, but they are relatively easy to make a mess of. If I used one often I would remove the cylinder even though you can't really accidentally engage it.

TAS, 542 posts
19 Mar 2015 9:27PM
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Dusta is talking bout you ^^^^^^

NSW, 1575 posts
20 Mar 2015 9:23AM
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Don't we have things like this just to weed out stupid people from the gene pool .
What a friggen joke this nanny state of a country has become.

148 posts
20 Mar 2015 8:22AM
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They should ban cars, push bikes and walking. Accidents can happen there too if you're stupid.

NSW, 133 posts
30 Mar 2015 8:45AM
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Gee I have used 2 of these camper stoves for years travelling all over Aust. I always disconnect the gas bottle which you have to do to pack away and don't use a massively wide fry pan.
I am not throwing mine away but will keep in mind that under some circumstances they can be dangerous

Good warning perhaps more relevant if you use it on a boat or caravan and don't pack it away after use it stays connected and i guess could be ignited accidentally.
oh yeah don't throw empty canisters in to a fire as they still explode even when empty.
Frightens the sh%t out of other campers


WA, 4564 posts
30 Mar 2015 1:14PM
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alohahugo said..
Gee I have used 2 of these camper stoves for years travelling all over Aust. I always disconnect the gas bottle which you have to do to pack away and don't use a massively wide fry pan.
I am not throwing mine away but will keep in mind that under some circumstances they can be dangerous

Good warning perhaps more relevant if you use it on a boat or caravan and don't pack it away after use it stays connected and i guess could be ignited accidentally.
oh yeah don't throw empty canisters in to a fire as they still explode even when empty.
Frightens the sh%t out of other campers


Highlighted on TV same issue, however mooted $2000 fine if caught using one
Don't know why they have resorted to such cotton wool regulations, as a simple heat shield, to fit in over the canisters would reduce, plus additional ventilation in the canister area..
Even an additional vertical protrusion fitting near to the canister location, on top to prevent an over sized pan from being used would resolve the issue.
Have used mine for a number of years, but being mechanical minded was always aware not to add to much heat via an over sized pan.

WA, 726 posts
30 Mar 2015 1:42PM
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I could be wrong but I suspect they are the kitchen of choice for the transportable meth lab, hence the ban.

WA, 1847 posts
30 Mar 2015 2:16PM
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So the article only talks about NSW. Are they banned in other states yet? I also read the article as they are no longer on sale, but if you have one, it can still be used.

WA, 1675 posts
30 Mar 2015 3:29PM
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masters and bigw had both taken them off the shelf in Perth when I looked.

WA, 2520 posts
30 Mar 2015 5:47PM
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And Bunnings are selling off the 4-pack of cannisters for $3.49 yesterday... they had a pallet load sitting in the middle of the floor at Joondalup.

Sorry - was not looking for the cooker. I must sheepishly admit we used a 27cm pan on ours to cook snags on the beach... having said that, it was well cooled by the blowing SW'er at LBB!

WA, 1089 posts
30 Mar 2015 5:55PM
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worrier said..
I could be wrong but I suspect they are the kitchen of choice for the transportable meth lab, hence the ban.

This ^

OT but linked:
Its also the reason you cant get proper Codral anymore

Pi$$es me off no end come cold & flu season to be told "we don't stock pseudoephedrine products" (when they do) or we need some ID before we can sell you it.

F*ck you druggies - I have MAN FLU!

GTS pseudoephedrine vs phenylephrine

WA, 598 posts
30 Mar 2015 6:24PM
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worrier said..
I could be wrong but I suspect they are the kitchen of choice for the transportable meth lab, hence the ban.

If this were the case there are heaps better ways to heat things up and no need to keep changing disposable bottles. There are some pretty neat LPG burners that you can buy from BCF that will do almost all you need, and if they are not enough you can get some 'mongolian' burners.

The heat output from these camping stoves is pretty low, and you can get much higher, much more easily. I bought a triple ring burner from BCF and once you clean it up a bit and 'tune' it, they are good. They look like they copied someone else's design but the quality of the casting can be a bit poor in some ways, but otherwise seem to work okay.

What does your typical meth cook require in cooking appliances?

Mark _australia
WA, 22731 posts
30 Mar 2015 7:54PM
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worrier said..
I could be wrong but I suspect they are the kitchen of choice for the transportable meth lab, hence the ban.

I can't see that being the reason. You can buy (ie: steal) a wok burner kind of ring or do it on kitchen stove.
I'd say the overheating is the true cause.

Easily rectified with fibreglass matting insulation (like exhaust header wrap) on the top of the unit.
Thus I hope they just change the Aust Standard, so the cheap units come back in again but just with some insulation on the top to stop reflected heat above the canister.

QLD, 1499 posts
30 Mar 2015 10:02PM
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worrier said..
I could be wrong but I suspect they are the kitchen of choice for the transportable meth lab, hence the ban.

I don't think the risk of using a banned cooker is going to stop the average meth lab 'operator'...

QLD, 149 posts
31 Mar 2015 1:34PM
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Toph said..
So the article only talks about NSW. Are they banned in other states yet? I also read the article as they are no longer on sale, but if you have one, it can still be used.

Hi, now in QLD as well. Manitulak

WA, 1847 posts
31 Mar 2015 3:33PM
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dusta said..

you're going to **** around over $20 ?

i'll continue to use my two for steamboats . This ruling is just to protect ****ing idiots who should be up for a darwin award anyway

Yeah me too. While I am certain the NSW and QLD cookers are no more or less dangerous as ours in the west, the bulletin only recommends them not to be used. It doesn't ban their use. I'll continue to use mine until I can no longer buy the gas for them.

WA, 4564 posts
31 Mar 2015 4:53PM
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Toph said..

dusta said..

you're going to **** around over $20 ?

i'll continue to use my two for steamboats . This ruling is just to protect ****ing idiots who should be up for a darwin award anyway

Yeah me too. While I am certain the NSW and QLD cookers are no more or less dangerous as ours in the west, the bulletin only recommends them not to be used. It doesn't ban their use. I'll continue to use mine until I can no longer buy the gas for them.

Toph, best check on actuals with the use of these here in WA, as on news a few nights back, these were claimed to be "banned" from sale here in WA and an incentive not to use them, a $2000 fine in place if found to be using these items. I may have miss-heard the topic, but best to be sure
Just took my old ones back to outlet, all received, and store credit given. Bit of a pain as these are great to use.

Mark _australia
WA, 22731 posts
31 Mar 2015 6:16PM
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If Bunnings has the cylinders for $4 for a 4 pack I am going to buy a cooker!

WA, 1847 posts
31 Mar 2015 7:12PM
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I guess you could buy a damn good 6 burner for 2k Mineral1

WA, 947 posts
31 Mar 2015 10:09PM
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Soo?? Who exactly is going to catch us and fine us? We have so so many bureaucrats making up so so many rules at such a pace it's mind blowing! But who is going to enforce the rules?

I think it is the non productive bureaucrats trying to save their jobs by making up bullsh1t rules, what do they add to the GDP?

QLD, 149 posts
1 Apr 2015 7:40PM
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Hi, mine cooker is not on the list nor AGA aproval is listed as canceled. As informed by gas examminer, mine does have "over pressure protection", which means any increase of pressure inside canister will shut off gas flow. Pity it does not have thermo couple to shut gas flow when flame is blown off, it would be totaly "banproof".


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Camping cookers baned in NSW" started by Twohull