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Dirt cheap glass for anyone doing a boat etc....

Created by Mark _australia > 9 months ago, 21 Aug 2019
Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
21 Aug 2019 1:37AM
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Found on eBay whilst unsuccessfully searching for my stuff

Tons of 936gsm double-bias fibreglass

Seller has many many listings. $60 for 4m x 1.3m chunks is pretty wow :)

NSW, 6451 posts
21 Aug 2019 5:06AM
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If its ultra cheap and on fleabay it should be great quality too.

Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
21 Aug 2019 12:24PM
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Its unused offcuts from a major company that was contracted to build wind turbine blades over east. Its the best quality stuff going.

I'm being helpful. Anyone building a boat and needing heavy glass would jump at that

A useless 'contribution' from Loto as usual.

Is there anything he doesn't have a crack at?

WA, 668 posts
21 Aug 2019 1:12PM
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Im keen to make some wind turbine blades. Not for generating power but for theyre bird destruction. Can make one that is horizontal not verticle just have it spinning about 15cms off the ground so it just wipes out all the scrub turkeys Or seagulls maybe even a bin chicken edition

NSW, 6451 posts
21 Aug 2019 6:21PM
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causehecan said..
Im keen to make some wind turbine blades. Not for generating power but for theyre bird destruction. Can make one that is horizontal not verticle just have it spinning about 15cms off the ground so it just wipes out all the scrub turkeys Or seagulls maybe even a bin chicken edition

Well your in luck, I know a guy who knows a guy on ebay, who has come across some dirt cheap glass left over from some major overseas company. Its the best quality stuff,, but dirt cheap.
Alarm bells should be ringing lol

Ahhhhh, ebay, the place where you can sell stuff online, that you cant sell or nobody would buy in the real world.

Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
22 Aug 2019 2:24AM
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ahhhh the internet when some people just come to talk sh!t about things they know nothing about.

NSW, 6451 posts
22 Aug 2019 10:30AM
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because I can, am I right?

Just trying to help, don't want to see you get internet scammed.
Just seems dodgy, left overs from some overseas company that he dosent name ?? why ??stolen ??? fell off a truck ??
If its such a great product that he is selling dirt cheap, why is he trying to unload it on ebay and if its a red hot bargain why has the ad been up so long and its not selling.
Surely even you would question "seems to good to be true" internet bargains .
But then again, the guys also selling "legally blond" dvds, so must be ok. lol

Oh wait, are you the seller trying to advertise your ebay page on seabreeze ?

WA, 668 posts
22 Aug 2019 2:54PM
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Curse my curiosity

What is with this dude...

NSW, 3082 posts
22 Aug 2019 6:03PM
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Maybe you should go and play in the traffic unless you have something useful to contribute!!
It was a normal helpful thread and of course Lotofwank cant help himself and you too.

NSW, 6451 posts
22 Aug 2019 6:17PM
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^^^^No need for name calling lol, geeezzzz, just pointing out the ebay deal sounds dodgy and be cautious, why so upset ???

WA, 668 posts
22 Aug 2019 6:47PM
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Yeah arent you surprised by how many really weird and old cds and dvds this guy is selling? Its not like phil collins and the quentin tarantino box set its like .... Thousands and thousands of weird stuff... And some fiberglass...

Why does pointing this out upset you? If you purchase things online it pays to check what the sellers reviews and other items are.

Your not the main actor in fizzy business are you?

WA, 2775 posts
22 Aug 2019 7:43PM
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Jeez fellas - the bloke is selling "clearance sale" stuff, ex rental DVD's, unsold CD's, and whatever he picks up that he can resell for a few bob.

Going by the buyer feedback he sounds ok - only half a dozen complaints and well over 1k happy customers in the last 12 months.

Fibreglass off-cuts would most likely be from a factory salvage bin - it's the sort of stuff the boss and staff sell off for beer money.

EBAY sales of this sort of gear is what keeps a lot of pensioners and disabled people occupied and fed

Mark _australia
WA, 22853 posts
22 Aug 2019 7:49PM
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lotofwind said..
^^^^No need for name calling lol, geeezzzz, just pointing out the ebay deal sounds dodgy and be cautious, why so upset ???

Why does it sound dodgy FFS?

It is industrial cloth normally bought in really big bits. Not many industries want the 4m offcuts. But it would be a great help to get it cheap for a guy doing his own boat or similar.
So you being the expert here obviously, tell me where you would sell it all?
It will of course all go to auction house, or a secondhand dealer who puts it on eBay or Gumtree etc. I mean aren't you the one always telling "oldies" how progressive the world is nowadays and we should get on board with tech? Yeah when it suits you.

But you go search for posts by me every day just so you can have a go, and in this case it suits you to bag out eBay cos Mark posted about it.
You have no idea if its a quality cloth or not.

Grow the fark up.

WA, 668 posts
22 Aug 2019 7:59PM
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He should make a surfboard from all the cds wrapped in cloth. Or an entire boat.... Giant floating discoball looking boat.... Id embrace that

Actually stuff the boat he could just make a giant ball made from cds and glass and live in it rolling from one land to the next briefly blinding everyone he passes with his giant glarey ball of 80s pop

NSW, 7063 posts
23 Aug 2019 7:20AM
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Mark _australia said..

lotofwind said..
^^^^No need for name calling lol, geeezzzz, just pointing out the ebay deal sounds dodgy and be cautious, why so upset ???

Why does it sound dodgy FFS?

It is industrial cloth normally bought in really big bits. Not many industries want the 4m offcuts. But it would be a great help to get it cheap for a guy doing his own boat or similar.
So you being the expert here obviously, tell me where you would sell it all?
It will of course all go to auction house, or a secondhand dealer who puts it on eBay or Gumtree etc. I mean aren't you the one always telling "oldies" how progressive the world is nowadays and we should get on board with tech? Yeah when it suits you.

But you go search for posts by me every day just so you can have a go, and in this case it suits you to bag out eBay cos Mark posted about it.
You have no idea if its a quality cloth or not.

Grow the fark up.

546 posts
23 Aug 2019 6:56AM
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Mark _australia said..

lotofwind said..
^^^^No need for name calling lol, geeezzzz, just pointing out the ebay deal sounds dodgy and be cautious, why so upset ???

Why does it sound dodgy FFS?

You have no idea

Grow the fark up.

546 posts
23 Aug 2019 6:57AM
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You need to keeo it simple for him Mark

VIC, 871 posts
23 Aug 2019 1:18PM
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sorry guys, but it's a fair chance the guys pretty legit regarding the cloth.

I went through the area in Western Vic last weekend, and you would not believe the number of these wind generators being installed.
From the west side of Ballarat, they were popping up everywhere, and all at different stages of construction.

I know some winge about it not being good for wildlife, some apparent air pressure buffeting or pulse thing, but I think its a good step, and we should have more.

Id prefer to look at a slowly spinning wind turbine anyday, rather than a pit in the ground and a chimney stack.

I cant use it ATM, but thanks for posting MA.

NSW, 387 posts
23 Aug 2019 1:36PM
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I bought some of this from this seller about 18 months ago. Quality product, no problem with delivery. The quantities available suited my needs.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Dirt cheap glass for anyone doing a boat etc...." started by Mark _australia