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Drone Racing

Created by Haircut > 9 months ago, 21 Jun 2015
kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
30 Jun 2015 10:39AM
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I help design & draw parts for cutting edge pylon racers as a 2nd/3rd job.. been out to see them a few times.
Very impressive stuff.
Very expensive hobby.
Reaching towards 350kph real speed, one wrong twitch of thumb and it's $1500 written off.
Upwards of 40g in the turns, something structural fails, $1500 written off.
Not perfect design, wing gets tip stall at full speed, $1500 written off.
Engine cuts out at wrong time for one of many reasons, $1500 written off.
You get the drift

NSW, 9205 posts
30 Jun 2015 1:24PM
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That TRex 600 was sick.

Here's a souped up quad.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
30 Jun 2015 2:46PM
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Nice vid evl - it's only a matter of time (battery power) before quads can beat the Trex at it's own game.
Only trouble is you need to stick a big chopper body on them to make it as visually spectacular.

NSW, 1089 posts
30 Jun 2015 6:03PM
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Where do i get the super fast one from ^^^ Id love to stick a POV camera on it, a hand gun and back pack. Robbing a bank would be so simple and easy to get away with !

NSW, 9205 posts
30 Jun 2015 6:46PM
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kiteboy dave said..
Nice vid evl - it's only a matter of time (battery power) before quads can beat the Trex at it's own game.
Only trouble is you need to stick a big chopper body on them to make it as visually spectacular.

I would like one in the shape of a pig's head.

WA, 6277 posts
30 Jun 2015 5:07PM
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QLD, 6483 posts
30 Jun 2015 7:39PM
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evlPanda said..

kiteboy dave said..
Nice vid evl - it's only a matter of time (battery power) before quads can beat the Trex at it's own game.
Only trouble is you need to stick a big chopper body on them to make it as visually spectacular.

I would like one in the shape of a pig's head.

or a u.s. president

NSW, 4521 posts
30 Jun 2015 11:27PM
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I'm a reasonably competent 3D heli pilot. Can do most tricks, fly inverted circuits, all the regular stuff except the holy grail of piro-flips.

I've had a go at flying a few other guys quads, and got rather bored in the first 3 or 4 seconds. They are about 10...hmm no 50 or 100 times easier to fly than a CP heli.....BUT.......the 250 quad FPV racing looks FREAKING AWESOME!!! It's the one thing that has got me thinking about getting a quad. You're just not ever going to do that kind of 1st person racing with a CP heli. The cost and time to repair, not to mention the danger of CP heli's simply makes them entirely unsuitable, whereas the 250 quad platform is just perfect. I've seen some great courses in the UK through walking tracks in forests. Would love to see some organised racing in Sydney to get involved in.

Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
30 Jun 2015 10:52PM
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nebbian said..

no worries Sheldon

NSW, 4521 posts
1 Jul 2015 2:04PM
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Who could forget this. A real flying cat.

QLD, 12351 posts
1 Jul 2015 11:39PM
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Harrow said..
Who could forget this. A real flying cat.

Now 102 uses for a dead cat.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Drone Racing" started by Haircut