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Electric fence for scrub turkey? Anyone tried?

Created by TryinMyBest > 9 months ago, 13 Nov 2023
1 posts
13 Nov 2023 2:27PM
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Hi,I saw a post here by @crusoe a few years back stating they were going to buy an electic fence to try.Any success out there?
Wallabies and turkeys are destroying everuthing we try to grow, so lloking for solution.We live in rural residential area of Sunshine Coast with no fences at all.

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
13 Nov 2023 7:43PM
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Love it or leave?

QLD, 3570 posts
17 Nov 2023 7:53PM
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they don't like vinegar , spay bottle on full blast keeps them out of van annex.

NSW, 1089 posts
24 Nov 2023 10:24PM
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Wont let me add a video of my dog Frank chasing off magpies and pluvvas but go to the local pound or dog rescue facebook page.
Get yourself kelpie and train it to "get the chicken" Youll have a laugh and get a new loyal friend in one go. Just dont teach it to play fetch or your life is over.

NSW, 9029 posts
26 Nov 2023 7:50AM
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I'd imagine an electric fence would stop animals from getting into areas fenced off. The poly wire could be strung with smaller gaps. Bush turkeys do fly but tend to only do it when they have to. I'm not sure about wallabies but most probably after they get zapped they'd learn. Wallabies are usually quite timid animals and probably would stop causing problems once they've learned.

It would probably cost around $500 to set everything up with a decent little solar powered energiser, a reel of poly wire, the fence posts, the insulators, a ground bar, gate etc. You could probably buy this stuff second hand too.

QLD, 1990 posts
27 Nov 2023 1:38PM
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There must be easier ways to cook a scrub turkey, surely?

WA, 6992 posts
27 Nov 2023 5:22PM
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Pretty sure you'd need electric chicken netting rather than polytape fencing.

Probably don't even need it to be electric, just need netting small enough they can't get through. So long as they have somewhere else to go, they probably won't bother.

But - there is a cheaper way. You just need to follow the five step plan:

Step 1) Go down the local pet shop and buy a big bag of bird feed pellets.

Step 2) Everyday for one week go out early each morning and feed the bush turkeys. but each day take one step closer to your neighbours yard.

Step 3) Invite your neighbours over to your other neighbours that are about 15 minutes away for a party. Hide in the bushes keeping watch, and when your neighbours go out to this 'party', move quickly to step4. You now have about 15 minutes to act.

Step4) Sing out "here chooky chook-chooks" and start waving the food at the turkeys, but at the same time walk around to your neighbours place and sprinkle the bird food liberally all over their flower beds.

Step 5) Repeat Step 4 at 4am every morning, being careful not to wake your neighbours.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Electric fence for scrub turkey? Anyone tried?" started by TryinMyBest