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GM modified bananas

Created by Pcdefender > 9 months ago, 6 Mar 2024
WA, 1557 posts
6 Mar 2024 7:08PM
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I encourage remery and FN especially to consume the GM bananas daily washed down with their bugs recommended from the World Economic Forum. It supposedly according to their data reduces a non existent problem in climate change. I am not making this up - read for yourself.

Happy snacking remery and FN and please remember Klaus has your wellbeing at heart.

5 reasons why eating insects can reduce climate change | World Economic Forum (

World-first genetically-modified banana faces final hurdle (

WA, 14848 posts
7 Mar 2024 7:53AM
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Pcdefender said..
I encourage remery and FN especially to consume the GM bananas daily washed down with their bugs recommended from the World Economic Forum. It supposedly according to their data reduces a non existent problem in climate change. I am not making this up - read for yourself.

Happy snacking remery and FN and please remember Klaus has your wellbeing at heart.

5 reasons why eating insects can reduce climate change | World Economic Forum (

World-first genetically-modified banana faces final hurdle (

General Motors are modifying bananas now? Why?

I feel so special. Is it only me and Remery that get this attention. I feel like we are students at the Midvale school for the gifted.

EVERYTHING is a conspiracy apparently. Greed is so last year.

WA, 1725 posts
7 Mar 2024 8:45AM
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My theory: A good chunk of this thread is a CT perpetrated by SB HQ. They have an AI Chatbot bot (oddly enough called Personal Computer Defender - which makes me think *Bill Gates is involved somehow) that generates questions and posts. One of its algorithms is to learn which questions generate the most responses and therefore more page revenue from adverts. Hence the frequent new topics and occasional new branch to test the responses and learn for the future.
(* I think they are AI bots now because previously Bill decided the best place to put all control chips was into Ivermectin and now has quite a number of horses around the world that can be controlled by holding a paperclip in front of them and asking if they want help writing a letter)

WA, 1092 posts
7 Mar 2024 8:57AM
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Pcdefender said..
I encourage remery and FN especially to consume the GM bananas daily washed down with their bugs recommended from the World Economic Forum. It supposedly according to their data reduces a non existent problem in climate change. I am not making this up - read for yourself.

Happy snacking remery and FN and please remember Klaus has your wellbeing at heart.

5 reasons why eating insects can reduce climate change | World Economic Forum (

World-first genetically-modified banana faces final hurdle (

Wonder if you're also against Golden Rice?

WA, 3241 posts
7 Mar 2024 10:56AM
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They did a survey in the US a few years ago, they asked people if they would eat food with DNA in it. Almost 50 percent said No.

WA, 3241 posts
7 Mar 2024 11:03AM
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"The main sources of GM foods in Australia

Imported GM soya
Potato chips, margarine, mayonnaise, crackers, soy tofu, soy milk, soy flour, soy lecithin, soybean oil, pastries, chocolate.

Imported GM corn
Corn chips, corn oil, corn flour, corn syrup. Corn foods with the kernel. Processed corn starch is a sweetener in drinks, sweets, bread, cakes, breakfast cereal, sauces, gravy mixes and syrups.

Imported GM sugar beet
Can be used to produce sugar used in processed foods.

Cottonseed oil from GM cotton
Used for frying in the food industry (e.g. for fish and chips), smallgoods casings, snack foods, baked foods, mayonnaise and salad dressings.

Imported GM potatoes
Potatoes in snack foods, processed potato products and other processed food."

WA, 14848 posts
7 Mar 2024 1:08PM
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I hate to say something on-topic for a change, but I am personally worried about the artificial sweetners that get added to things, especially softdrink. In other countries they seem to add sucralose to lots of things. Apparently it is 1000 times sweeter than sugar, and actually derived from sugar, so it should be fine right... well, like almost anything it shows us as possibly causing cancer or other problems.

For me, cancer possibilities aside, it gives me an unsettled stomach, so I literally cannot stomach it.

It or similar sweetners seem to be getting added to softdrink here too. If it says 'diet' I can understand that, but when it doesn't, that's when it bugs me.

Where's the conspiracy about this one PM33? Me, I think its just a way to save money for softdrink companies and to sell more product into a market worried about the health qualities of the product.

WA, 6890 posts
7 Mar 2024 2:01PM
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FormulaNova said..
but I am personally worried about the artificial sweetners that get added to things....

O.M.G..... OOO.MMM.GGG...

You CT nutter FN.

They are safe and effective. Tests have been done by the people who sell it. Must be empirical.

What proof do you have that it is the safe and effective sweetner giving you an upset stomach ? Just because you report it as an adverse event it does not mean it is caused by the safe and effective additive.

If you think you should limit your intake of a safe and effective sweetner you have lost your marbles.

See other thread for all remaining arguments.

WA, 3241 posts
7 Mar 2024 4:49PM
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"Sucralose is about 600 times sweeter than sugar and has no kilojoules. It is made by replacing three hydrogen-oxygen groups on a sugar molecule with three chlorine groups. It is commonly used in food and drinks. An ADI of 0 to15 mg/kg bw/day has been established based on animal studies."

WA, 2160 posts
7 Mar 2024 4:54PM
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remery said..
"Sucralose is about 600 times sweeter than sugar and has no kilojoules. It is made by replacing three hydrogen-oxygen groups on a sugar molecule with three chlorine groups. It is commonly used in food and drinks. An ADI of 0 to15 mg/kg bw/day has been established based on animal studies."

And how are trans fats made? They're healthy right?!

NSW, 5784 posts
11 Mar 2024 11:23AM
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FormulaNova said..
I hate to say something on-topic for a change, but I am personally worried about the artificial sweetners that get added to things, especially softdrink. In other countries they seem to add sucralose to lots of things. Apparently it is 1000 times sweeter than sugar, and actually derived from sugar, so it should be fine right... well, like almost anything it shows us as possibly causing cancer or other problems.

For me, cancer possibilities aside, it gives me an unsettled stomach, so I literally cannot stomach it.

It or similar sweetners seem to be getting added to softdrink here too. If it says 'diet' I can understand that, but when it doesn't, that's when it bugs me.

Where's the conspiracy about this one PM33? Me, I think its just a way to save money for softdrink companies and to sell more product into a market worried about the health qualities of the product.

more than a decade ago now

i noticed that schweppes lemonade had started to have this really strong chemically aftertaste, and found out that they had started using a lemon flavouring that contained an artificial sweetner.

WA, 8763 posts
11 Mar 2024 8:41AM
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theDoctor said..

FormulaNova said..
I hate to say something on-topic for a change, but I am personally worried about the artificial sweetners that get added to things, especially softdrink. In other countries they seem to add sucralose to lots of things. Apparently it is 1000 times sweeter than sugar, and actually derived from sugar, so it should be fine right... well, like almost anything it shows us as possibly causing cancer or other problems.

For me, cancer possibilities aside, it gives me an unsettled stomach, so I literally cannot stomach it.

It or similar sweetners seem to be getting added to softdrink here too. If it says 'diet' I can understand that, but when it doesn't, that's when it bugs me.

Where's the conspiracy about this one PM33? Me, I think its just a way to save money for softdrink companies and to sell more product into a market worried about the health qualities of the product.

more than a decade ago now

i noticed that schweppes lemonade had started to have this really strong chemically aftertaste, and found out that they had started using a lemon flavouring that contained an artificial sweetner.

That's not the Lemonade but the beer you are adding to it which is leaving the taste behind

WA, 1092 posts
11 Mar 2024 10:21AM
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I love when people claim their subjective experience of something is evidence of something nefarious going on, especially when it relates to taste/smell.

Did you know that there is a gene that occurs in a large percentage of the world population that makes pork meat smell and taste like it's covered in faeces?

It's even worse than the coriander business

NSW, 5784 posts
11 Mar 2024 1:22PM
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elmo said..

theDoctor said..

FormulaNova said..
I hate to say something on-topic for a change, but I am personally worried about the artificial sweetners that get added to things, especially softdrink. In other countries they seem to add sucralose to lots of things. Apparently it is 1000 times sweeter than sugar, and actually derived from sugar, so it should be fine right... well, like almost anything it shows us as possibly causing cancer or other problems.

For me, cancer possibilities aside, it gives me an unsettled stomach, so I literally cannot stomach it.

It or similar sweetners seem to be getting added to softdrink here too. If it says 'diet' I can understand that, but when it doesn't, that's when it bugs me.

Where's the conspiracy about this one PM33? Me, I think its just a way to save money for softdrink companies and to sell more product into a market worried about the health qualities of the product.

more than a decade ago now

i noticed that schweppes lemonade had started to have this really strong chemically aftertaste, and found out that they had started using a lemon flavouring that contained an artificial sweetner.

That's not the Lemonade but the beer you are adding to it which is leaving the taste behind


i was worried it was the lsd

WA, 7672 posts
11 Mar 2024 12:45PM
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Pcdefender said..
I encourage remery and FN especially to consume the GM bananas daily washed down with their bugs recommended from the World Economic Forum. It supposedly according to their data reduces a non existent problem in climate change. I am not making this up - read for yourself.

Happy snacking remery and FN and please remember Klaus has your wellbeing at heart.

5 reasons why eating insects can reduce climate change | World Economic Forum (

World-first genetically-modified banana faces final hurdle (

I encourage SB admin to bring back red thumbs.

C'mon Loz!!! Seriously!!!

WA, 1557 posts
11 Mar 2024 1:01PM
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By red thumbs - you mean SB deleting posts that do not conform to the narrative?

If so you seem unconcerned. about the right to free speech?

QLD, 4001 posts
11 Mar 2024 3:53PM
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fangman said..
My theory: A good chunk of this thread is a CT perpetrated by SB HQ. They have an AI Chatbot bot (oddly enough called Personal Computer Defender - which makes me think *Bill Gates is involved somehow) that generates questions and posts. One of its algorithms is to learn which questions generate the most responses and therefore more page revenue from adverts. Hence the frequent new topics and occasional new branch to test the responses and learn for the future.
(* I think they are AI bots now because previously Bill decided the best place to put all control chips was into Ivermectin and now has quite a number of horses around the world that can be controlled by holding a paperclip in front of them and asking if they want help writing a letter)

Theories of Pete being on the SB payroll have been around for years. No proof exists so it's just another CT

WA, 7436 posts
12 Mar 2024 6:03AM
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Pcdefender said..
By red thumbs - you mean SB deleting posts that do not conform to the narrative?

If so you seem unconcerned. about the right to free speech?

One of the great conundrums of the CT/right wingers is they espouse free speech but in the next breath lecture you on what you should believe. Never understood that

WA, 7436 posts
12 Mar 2024 6:06AM
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fangman said..
My theory: A good chunk of this thread is a CT perpetrated by SB HQ. They have an AI Chatbot bot (oddly enough called Personal Computer Defender - which makes me think *Bill Gates is involved somehow) that generates questions and posts. One of its algorithms is to learn which questions generate the most responses and therefore more page revenue from adverts. Hence the frequent new topics and occasional new branch to test the responses and learn for the future.
(* I think they are AI bots now because previously Bill decided the best place to put all control chips was into Ivermectin and now has quite a number of horses around the world that can be controlled by holding a paperclip in front of them and asking if they want help writing a letter)

Pretty sure you are right. Pete (or is it Lozza) only pops up when the forum goes quiet for a while. Good strategy really to use a conspiracy of conspiracy theories to generate income.

WA, 3241 posts
12 Mar 2024 10:24AM
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hilly said..

One of the great conundrums of the CT/right wingers is they espouse free speech but in the next breath lecture you on what you should believe. Never understood that

Much like Christians. They go to great pains to convert non-christians and demand free speech and no taxes. However, one comment from an Atheist and they start crying about Atheists forcing their lack of belief down Christian throats.

QLD, 4001 posts
12 Mar 2024 1:38PM
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remery said..

hilly said..

One of the great conundrums of the CT/right wingers is they espouse free speech but in the next breath lecture you on what you should believe. Never understood that

Much like Christians. They go to great pains to convert non-christians and demand free speech and no taxes. However, one comment from an Atheist and they start crying about Atheists forcing their lack of belief down Christian throats.

"The plain fact is that no free and lasting civilization anywhere in history has so far been built on atheist foundations."

WA, 14848 posts
12 Mar 2024 11:42AM
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cammd said..

remery said..

hilly said..

One of the great conundrums of the CT/right wingers is they espouse free speech but in the next breath lecture you on what you should believe. Never understood that

Much like Christians. They go to great pains to convert non-christians and demand free speech and no taxes. However, one comment from an Atheist and they start crying about Atheists forcing their lack of belief down Christian throats.

"The plain fact is that no free and lasting civilization anywhere in history has so far been built on atheist foundations."

Quote symbols usually mean you are quoting someone. Often people quote someone of high standing in order to bolster their arguments.

Are you quoting someone?

But religion seems to be one of those things where people want to/need to believe in something else to explain things in the world. It doesn't mean their isn't a god, but the reverse is true too.

QLD, 4001 posts
12 Mar 2024 2:27PM
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I quoted someone not sure who now. Anyway just wanted to point out that we are beneficiaries of the religious values that have formed the foundations of our Western society.

No good society has ever come from atheist foundations.

WA, 12370 posts
12 Mar 2024 1:18PM
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I'm not sure there has ever been an atheist society.
Mankind is inherently inclined to religion. And the power hungry have always used that to control the masses.

That's how civilisations have been built, powerful getting rich and building stuff.

WA, 3241 posts
12 Mar 2024 1:50PM
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FormulaNova said..

Quote symbols usually mean you are quoting someone. Often people quote someone of high standing in order to bolster their arguments.

Are you quoting someone?

But religion seems to be one of those things where people want to/need to believe in something else to explain things in the world. It doesn't mean their isn't a god, but the reverse is true too.

Its from Os Guiness' book where he goes on to pretty much make my point, "... it would be a welcome change for secularists to shift from their strident attacks on religously based virtues...".


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"GM modified bananas" started by Pcdefender