I don't think we have a localised 'Deep State', like older countries. I think Australia's 'Deep State' comes from whatever the U.S. tells us, we mostly follow the line.
I don't know.
Possibly our Immigration policies are Deep State'
Are there any other examples of Australia's 'Deep State' policies?
Remery, can you tell me if it there is such a thing or not?
no use asking this. all the memes are about Trump and Biden.
you are asking some of the 'aware' to create their own memes? It's a trap. see what happened to Assange!
oh no. I have said too much.
why are my posts beginning to look like forth goths?
no use asking this. all the memes are about Trump and Biden.
you are asking some of the 'aware' to create their own memes? It's a trap. see what happened to Assange!
oh no. I have said too much.
why are my posts beginning to look like forth goths?
I think Deep State exists. Flysurfer got me thinking about it. I'm just not convinced Australia has developed it's own 'Deep State' yet. Maybe, I'm a sheepie.
If 'deep state' means sections of parliament, police and defence employing covert tactics that are suppressed, then obviously we know it exists. It's the first reason I can think of for courts to suppress evidence.
I don't think we have a localised 'Deep State', like older countries. I think Australia's 'Deep State' comes from whatever the U.S. tells us, we mostly follow the line.
I don't know.
Possibly our Immigration policies are Deep State'
Are there any other examples of Australia's 'Deep State' policies?
Remery, can you tell me if it there is such a thing or not?
Given the memes that are posted on Seabreeze, I think we can safely say that the deep state only exists in the USA. Trust me, I know about this stuff.
If 'deep state' means sections of parliament, police and defence employing covert tactics that are suppressed, then obviously we know it exists. It's the first reason I can think of for courts to suppress evidence.
I don't see those things so much as 'Deep State' as they change a bit slower than a change in govt.
'Deep State' are things that take decades to eliminate and survive multiple changes in government. Entrenched policies.
In many countries they have entrenched corruption - that's an example of 'Deep State'
I think Deep State exists. Flysurfer got me thinking about it. I'm just not convinced Australia has developed it's own 'Deep State' yet. Maybe, I'm a sheepie.
You STILL think contrails are ice crystals ffs, so yes deep into the apocalypse which means the unveiling you are still trapped in the matrix or false reality so no two ways about it in Gods eyes you are a sheeple.
You STILL think contrails are ice crystals ffs, so yes deep into the apocalypse which means the unveiling you are still trapped in the matrix or false reality so no two ways about it in Gods eyes you are a sheeple.
Sheepie has negative connotations and is a derogatory insult. I just looked up the forum rules and any form of hate speech is forbidden.
Right after I finish writing this post, I will hit the 'report' icon on your post.
Have fun in the sin bin - again - and have a good think about the deep state when you are back where you belong - in the wilderness.
You were the one who first used the word and my intention was not intended as derogatory which i thought was obvious.
You were the one who first used the word and my intention was not intended as derogatory which i thought was obvious.
Well ok, I'll report myself instead - topic hog!
Virtually the whole world is controlled by The Deep State.
But who or what IS the deep state?
You have to do a ship load of reading to unravel the lies we've grown up with. The information is there but it's not taught at school or university. Quite the opposite. That's where you learn what is required to hide the fact that the world is a very different place to what we perceive.
I learned that it's important to read the books that are banned or highly criticised. The Creature From Jekyll Island is probably the best in that it delves into the core of international banking. Everything to do with finance is based on a pyramid structure.
The apex is the deep state.
These are the people who have been in control of international banking for centuries. They devised the system and they control it. They finance both sides of conflicts around the globe. Their financial muscle is unparalleled and they use it to control corporations and governments.
Their biggest fear is the proletariat waking up to their fraud and dissolving their power and wealth. They use every tool in the book to maintain their narrative and to keep control of their power.
Their ultimate aim is global government. Which will incorporate digital identification and central bank digital currency. If those two factors are achieved they will be able to secure their wealth and control in perpetuity.
They are evil ****s.
Well I think people like PC are just a bit to quick to see malicious intent in things that are just as easily explained by incompetence.
And if you start thinking that the "deep state" are keeping the incompetents in the limelight so they can continue their nefarious plans?
Well I'd just like to point out that if that's the case, they've been spectacularly unsuccessful and inefficient and also weirdly altruistic?
Like seriously, some of the plans PC and Flysurfer say these guys are trying to enact are super long-term. As in they're going to payoff generations in the future and are not achieving the Elite's goals in this lifetime.
Listen to ALL of Neil Oliver vids to wake up.
The one i listened to last night titled evil evil he openly admits he once thought he was smart and educated.......this was prior to the convids.
Ego for many controls your mind.
Neil Oliver: '...I will never forget!' (youtube.com)
You were the one who first used the word and my intention was not intended as derogatory which i thought was obvious.
I'm confused. Are you an actual idiot or someone pretending to be an idiot in order to attract attention? Help me out.
You are the one who should be suspended for countless abuse.
How many yellow cards do you need to be sent off?
And if you start thinking that the "deep state" are keeping the incompetents in the limelight so they can continue their nefarious plans?
Did I get this right?
I think you, just admitted that you believe there is a 'Deep State'.
or are you a 'Deep State' denier?
Even though we all argue day and night about CTs. I think we all agree the 'Deep State' is a real thing.
I was originally going to say sceptic, but I'll get off the fence and say denier.
There ain't nobody in Charge.
Negative Gearing
Mining demigods
Casinos and Gambling industry
Universities and Education industry for foreigners
Liquor licensing
Fishing industry for export
Australia deep state revolves on the above
All self inflicted and nothing to do w foreign interference
I was originally going to say sceptic, but I'll get off the fence and say denier.
There ain't nobody in Charge.
Agree there is no one person in charge - there never is. But the 'Deep State' is more like hidden or secret networks of powerful criminals, military , bureaucrats, financers and others thwarting legitimate channels of governments and often successfully pushing their own agendas.
You are the one who should be suspended for countless abuse.
How many yellow cards do you need to be sent off?
How many lies do you need to be sent off?
I was originally going to say sceptic, but I'll get off the fence and say denier.
There ain't nobody in Charge.
Agree there is no one person in charge - there never is. But the 'Deep State' is more like hidden or secret networks of powerful criminals, military , bureaucrats, financers and others thwarting legitimate channels of governments and often successfully pushing their own agendas.
So, more like a Deep network of individual actors rather than a State?
So, more like a Deep network of individual actors rather than a State?
I was attempting to summerise how 'deep state' is described here:
No one person is 'in charge'
Cool, I actually hadn't bothered to look. (Did watch the Netflix series, bit of fun)
Hmmm.... So are you seeing a group thwarting legitimate government in Australia?
Negative Gearing
Mining demigods
Casinos and Gambling industry
Universities and Education industry for foreigners
Liquor licensing
Fishing industry for export
Australia deep state revolves on the above
All self inflicted and nothing to do w foreign interference
Yeah, they seem like pretty good examples. Occupation Health and Safety, Vapes and Tobacco could fit in that list too as small scale examples of deep state.
Please do indicate how they are the culmination of some deep state plan to achieve......?
OSH is a deep state activity?
I'd genuinely like to hear your rationale behind that one?
Please do indicate how they are the culmination of some deep state plan to achieve......?
OSH is a deep state activity?
I'd genuinely like to hear your rationale behind that one?
Fair call, I just have personal experience with OH&S. I was pouring myself another glass of Pino Grigio and it randomly sprung to mind and ended up in print on the Seabreeze network.
In the early 90s I don't think OH&S even existed. Now it's a huge bureaucracy that would be near impossible to unwind. I was getting ahead of myself.
Hmmm.... So are you seeing a group thwarting legitimate government in Australia?
No, I don't think there is a particular Australian group/s thwarting all our governments decisions. Of course there are various powerful lobby groups that do dictate some policies. However, I do believe there are forces in the US, that pretty much map out a thin path for Australia to follow. So yes, I do believe there is a "Deep State" - they, together with Australian bureaucrats, enforce guidelines our government should follow, using rewards and punishments to keep us on track.
Very Dumb Government: Evil is Impotent
When men are evil, their lives become impotent and worthless. This is why I continue to stress morality and virtue as the ways to achieve success. The word "impotent" essentially means to be powerless. In my view, although evil people look like they are having the time of their lives, the facts show that they are in effect sad and powerless. The reason is that the end results that they get by being evil does not empower them. What happens is that they will get the horrible payback-a.k.a. karma. Their lives will be a continual mess because they ignored the real God's natural order of morality, and established evil instead. If that something else is evil then it will be of no real power. In the case of political leaders, they seem to be all powerful but if they are evil they are powerless-impotent.
Evil isn't powerful. It brings out the worst in people and there is no end to the depression and destruction that it causes. There is no amount of drugs a man can take to remedy the situation. Therefore, it is important to judge something before any action is taken. There's no point in believing in something that isn't true. So, we have to do the best we can and get the facts and then use those facts to make intelligent decisions. The old saying of using right reason and common sense will make a big difference in achieving good results.
If a man makes a good choice, then the end result is going to be good. All of life centers around the natural law or natural order, right and wrong, good and evil. We don't need to read a bunch of books in order to know that because we all were born with an inner moral compass. The problem is that we were not taught how to use it. Our minds have been turned into mush from reading and "entertainment." When I can manage to think for myself, my view of things becomes much different that what I had thought in the past.
My idea here is to avoid evil as much as I can and limit the amount of garbage that I put into my head. As a "conspiracy" observer for the last 25 years, I have found that even though I know more about it than most people, I get the feeling that I'm just scratching the surface.
I stay away from groups because they can be easily infiltrated with people who would like to destroy a good cause or they might try to drag me down the rat hole along with their evil actions. So, rather than trying to change other people, I'm trying to be the best I can be and my own actions will tell the story.
Evil has no power to do anything good. Governments and religions are based on oath-taking which is evil. And we can plainly see in today's world, that governments and religions are extremely destructive. The reason is because they are powerless and they only way they can maintain themselves is to create even more evil. There seems to be no end to it. But if we watch carefully, we'll be watching them destroy themselves because in fact; they are impotent.
Related:Working with the Natural Law: Part Two
Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land
Donatewww.buymeacoffee.com/althompson#natural law #oaths #evil
Is pcdefender consipracy pete? I cant even think of the username it's been so long
Gradually heavy weather is returning to what it used to be. WHich I think is good.
I mean why limit what people can talk about. Everyone seems to be able to get along and have a normal discussion now that Bono isnt here.
for those that believe in deep state or chemtrails or any other conspiracies.
Do you or have you ever smoked weed? Because it can encourage paranoia, altered perspective and then these theories seem to be more believable. If you smoke weed u just need to tell yourself that if you start feeling paranoid thoughts that's just from the weed, and maybe you need to cut it back. If u are into the harder stuff well you're gambling with your sanity.
Personally I have just had a bit of a weed renaissance. Got a script for the good **** (back pain, insomnia, whatever)
only partake around a campfire a few times a year. Dont want it to make me retarded or to get so stoned that I start voting labor or believing in reconciliation or any other rediculous concepts
Is pcdefender consipracy pete? I cant even think of the username.
Yes, its petermac33
also froth goth = wave slave