Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Heavy Weather is BACK!

Created by Windpasser > 9 months ago, 28 Jun 2018
WA, 505 posts
28 Jun 2018 4:23PM
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Right Here!

It has to be done. I miss Adriano and Pmac33 and all the legendary crew.

I'll start with - I think our solar energy is being stolen by other countries and the Earth could be roundish.

11206 posts
28 Jun 2018 4:33PM
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Wassup dude? Heavy Weather's always been there. Did you have trouble accessing it? Perhaps not enough posts for the gold pass...

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
28 Jun 2018 6:50PM
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Windpasser said..
Right Here!

It has to be done. I miss Adriano and Pmac33 and all the legendary crew.

I'll start with - I think our solar energy is being stolen by other countries and the Earth could be roundish.

Yeah come on in comrade. Just grab a handful of sh1t and throw it at anybody.

TAS, 2967 posts
28 Jun 2018 7:58PM
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log man said..

Windpasser said..
Right Here!

It has to be done. I miss Adriano and Pmac33 and all the legendary crew.

I'll start with - I think our solar energy is being stolen by other countries and the Earth could be roundish.

Yeah come on in comrade. Just grab a handful of sh1t and throw it at anybody.

Yay I'm with loggie, some of it may even stick.

894 posts
28 Jun 2018 6:04PM
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It's Marxist social engineering

WA, 505 posts
29 Jun 2018 9:36AM
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Damn it. Now I wish I had of posted more, but it was so entertaining and informative just watching.

I'll miss it.

Guess I'll never get back in. I wonder how many posts were required for the Gold Pass.

TAS, 14 posts
29 Jun 2018 12:54PM
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Windpasser said..
Damn it. Now I wish I had of posted more, but it was so entertaining and informative just watching.

I'll miss it.

Guess I'll never get back in. I wonder how many posts were required for the Gold Pass.

Hang in there Wind passer I hear your grief. Laurie said he'd 'fix it... for some (unfortunate) people.... just be patient'
I know it's been months now without a fix, and the privilege don't understand what it is like to go without.
Live in hope, don't give up, the storm will come

QLD, 1458 posts
29 Jun 2018 2:05PM
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Siclone said..

Windpasser said..
Damn it. Now I wish I had of posted more, but it was so entertaining and informative just watching.

I'll miss it.

Guess I'll never get back in. I wonder how many posts were required for the Gold Pass.

Hang in there Wind passer I hear your grief. Laurie said he'd 'fix it... for some (unfortunate) people.... just be patient'
I know it's been months now without a fix, and the privilege don't understand what it is like to go without.
Live in hope, don't give up, the storm will come

Heavy weather is back.
I joined Twitter, never tweeted before and got locked out after 2 minutes . All I did was rubbish SBS about poor world cup coverage. Highlights consist of two idiots sitting on a lounge talking about the game. Not sure where tweet went.
Might give Instagram a go.

WA, 505 posts
29 Jun 2018 4:17PM
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Maybe we could apply the Beaufort scale

Users need to work their way up the scale even though they have been here for 13 years.

What a kick in the guts.

WA, 505 posts
29 Jun 2018 4:23PM
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Remember performers are just a small part of the equation. What it needs to work is more people watching, following and caring.

Movies/TV/News 101.

Why did I get banned when others who were sin binned (You know who you are) still get access?

Because they post more?

Without spectators it's dead. They may as well SMS each other.

Is website traffic not good?

WA, 505 posts
29 Jun 2018 4:35PM
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Also the institute is going to let me out for a tour of a beach if I take all my supplements, so it's not that bad, really.


They just put a piece of a broomstick in my mouth and proceed to electrocute me saying it's for my own good.

QLD, 1371 posts
30 Jun 2018 5:16AM
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Windpasser said..
Also the institute is going to let me out for a tour of a beach if I take all my supplements, so it's not that bad, really.


They just put a piece of a broomstick in my mouth and proceed to electrocute me saying it's for my own good.

Can sell you my gold pass, what's a bitcoin worth these days?

QLD, 2329 posts
30 Jun 2018 7:35AM
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Adriano said..
Wassup dude? Heavy Weather's always been there. Did you have trouble accessing it? Perhaps not enough posts for the gold pass...

It's back ?

Gold star to get in ?

sounds like a Seabreeze lefty conspiracy to wind up the good guys

send me the latest screen shot and I'll believe you...

QLD, 4011 posts
30 Jun 2018 8:06AM
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Youv'e missed close to a hundred pages of flat earth theory that is complete with 50 hours of Youtube pesentations. Here's a sample of PM33's latest enlightening post, Pardon the pun

Bono's never wrong about anything. From that we know it's a fact not just a belief that we live on a spinning ball.

Regarding night and day....

The sun circles the stationary flat earth below every 24 hours.

Its relatively close ( around 3000 miles away if directly above) and its rays illuminate the earth below,lighting up half of it at a time.

As it moves away from you - it's rays will get less strong and it will appear the sun is dropping. Just perspective.

Do not take my word for it though,as that would be a belief too - much in the same way as ball earthers regurgitate what they've been taught at school by the NWO who have a tight hold on what is allowed to be taught ( no anti - vax evidence allowed being another example of their hold on schooling).

Do your own in depth research and then and only then will I NOT consider you to be one of the flock.

QLD, 6147 posts
30 Jun 2018 8:33AM
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Hw still there. Perhaps none of you are whacko enough

QLD, 2329 posts
30 Jun 2018 9:08AM
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Locked out of the asylum !!

thats discrimination !!!

11206 posts
30 Jun 2018 7:24AM
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Windpasser said..Why did I get banned when others who were sin binned (You know who you are) still get access?

Just out of interest, why did you get "banned"?

11206 posts
30 Jun 2018 7:25AM
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myusernam said..Perhaps none of you are whacko enough

At last an honest assessment of yourself.

WA, 505 posts
30 Jun 2018 8:22AM
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Adriano said..

Windpasser said..Why did I get banned when others who were sin binned (You know who you are) still get access?

Just out of interest, why did you get "banned"?

I'm just sooking, I don't actually know if I am "banned", but I lost access. It is probably just a technical issue as Laurie says.

Just weird it's been so long and certain people have access and others don't.

I guess i'll just have to live without it.

WA, 505 posts
30 Jun 2018 2:37PM
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Main said..

Adriano said..
Wassup dude? Heavy Weather's always been there. Did you have trouble accessing it? Perhaps not enough posts for the gold pass...

It's back ?

Gold star to get in ?

sounds like a Seabreeze lefty conspiracy to wind up the good guys

send me the latest screen shot and I'll believe you...

Oh Yes Main, proof that it still exists would be amazing! It would give hope.

It would also show what fantastic topics we are missing out on.

Do it one of the golden ones, please screen shot the Heavy Weather

QLD, 2329 posts
1 Jul 2018 7:42AM
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Windpasser said..

Main said..

Adriano said..
Wassup dude? Heavy Weather's always been there. Did you have trouble accessing it? Perhaps not enough posts for the gold pass...

It's back ?

Gold star to get in ?

sounds like a Seabreeze lefty conspiracy to wind up the good guys

send me the latest screen shot and I'll believe you...

Oh Yes Main, proof that it still exists would be amazing! It would give hope.

It would also show what fantastic topics we are missing out on.

Do it one of the golden ones, please screen shot the Heavy Weather

Looks like it still exists and we have been booted out on a second round of purges.

It ran ran for a while with the heading of "long term users only ". I suspect Laurie has done a second cut of users and we have fallen into that bracket.

His loss at at the end of day. I see he has cranked up the targeted advertising on here which only works if people are here looking at it.

Not so interesting without HW so less site visits which means less clicks on targeted ads which means less revenue for owner is site. Pretty simple maths...

WA, 6415 posts
1 Jul 2018 11:51AM
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A taste of what you're missing - Japies all time favourite song

NSW, 7045 posts
1 Jul 2018 3:24PM
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A taste of what you're probably not missing, a song about Pete

QLD, 2329 posts
1 Jul 2018 3:36PM
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Love it !

WA, 505 posts
1 Jul 2018 1:40PM
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See, this is what I miss Pmac33 and Japie.

The friendly banter, arguments and entertainment between all the HW users.

Homey, welcome to to Seabreeze, and thanks for hurting my feelings. I'll probably stop crying soon, but I think HW is a cesspool of intelligence.

Main is right when he said "Not so interesting without HW so less site visits which means less clicks on targeted ads which means less revenue for owner is site. Pretty simple maths..."

But this is a water sports forum so maybe it has no place, but it was entertaining and informative while it lasted.

Pmac33, that song is very catchy, I'm sure I heard it somewhere before

1979 posts
1 Jul 2018 2:09PM
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petermac33 said..
A taste of what you're missing - Japies all time favourite song

Listening to that original song by Adelle was like pulling teeth!!! Amber Plaster can't even be bothered writing her own tune. I guess it's a lack of original thought like all the other flat Earthers. It always has to be second hand, NOT THOUGHT ONE THOUGHT NOT THOUGHT BEFORE.
That song is excruciating Pete, please stop posting it? You just look like more of an idiot every time you post it and you're damaging peoples ears.

QLD, 1371 posts
2 Jul 2018 4:50AM
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Pretty sure Kim Beazley doesn't ride a bike

WA, 505 posts
2 Jul 2018 1:01PM
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Windpasser and many others did nothing wrong in 13 years. But they were "brutally" "restrained" and forced into the shadows of a disgusting place called General Discussion.

Why were they locked out? Could there be a reason?

A Current Affair. Tuesday, 7pm

894 posts
2 Jul 2018 1:30PM
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Just start your own heavy weather topic in general discussion

WA, 6415 posts
2 Jul 2018 1:52PM
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I wouldn't worry about it- having the means to making an informed decision i.e getting both sides of the story is well on the way to being outlawed. Japie should enjoy not having to listen to 'rubbish' or 'nonsense' as he puts it.

NSW, 7045 posts
3 Jul 2018 10:52AM
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petermac33 said..
I wouldn't worry about it- having the means to making an informed decision i.e getting both sides of the story is well on the way to being outlawed. Japie should enjoy not having to listen to 'rubbish' or 'nonsense' as he puts it.

Pete you are a past master at misrepresentation. Aside from your other attributes which include evasion and obfuscation!

Free speech is a right which should be available to all beings. That includes the right to call out someone who promulgates nonsense.

Which is your signature attribute!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Heavy Weather is BACK!" started by Windpasser