I've had an interest in studying synoptic charts for a while (for about 2 solar cycles). For the past couple of years, I've been seeing weather systems I would typically see in the northern hemisphere. Is it just me ?. Some of these systems are bad news for us in Adelaide when they are at the right latitude.
I'm not seeing anything unusual in those charts, other than maybe the warm fronts?
IIn Perth I feel like the rainy months are arriving about a month late and hanging around a month later. Also the winter rain seems to come from the North more often.
Yes, that's what I mean. Plus the cold fronts appear to be extremely elliptical. I normally notice them at the end of summer. And WTF is that thing at the bottom L/H graph in Sat 10am ?. I've never seen that before.
High pressure systems drifting from west to east over Australia over the cooler months is normal except in the wetter years. This weather is characterised by settled weather of cool nights, warmer sunny days and no rain.
Cold fronts hit the high pressure systems and are pushed to the south.
That thing is a not a cold front. It is a kind of like a mixed or stationary front.