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How do I know if I am going crazy?

Created by FormulaNova 8 months ago, 21 May 2024
WA, 14850 posts
21 May 2024 10:26AM
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I mean, I would know if I am not going crazy, but how would I know if I am going crazy?

Would I post even more onto General Discussion? Would I give up my teak admiration membership?

Would anyone notice?

Brent in Qld
WA, 1130 posts
21 May 2024 10:37AM
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Straight from Google.

1.Feeling sad or down.
2. Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate.
3. Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt.
4. Extreme mood changes of highs and lows.
5. Withdrawal from friends and activities.
6. Significant tiredness, low energy or problems sleeping.

WA, 3242 posts
21 May 2024 10:44AM
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FormulaNova said..
I mean, I would know if I am not going crazy, but how would I know if I am going crazy?

Would I post even more onto General Discussion? Would I give up my teak admiration membership?

Would anyone notice?

If you can tell the difference between line drawings of a rhinoceros, giraffe and a lion... you are good to go.

QLD, 1989 posts
21 May 2024 1:50PM
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FormulaNova said..
I mean, I would know if I am not going crazy, but how would I know if I am going crazy?

Would I post even more onto General Discussion? Would I give up my teak admiration membership?

Would anyone notice?

As strangers on an online forum. They won't give you a bum steer.
PS You ARE going crazy

QLD, 4003 posts
21 May 2024 2:35PM
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I like teak, how do you join

WA, 14850 posts
21 May 2024 12:57PM
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cammd said..
I like teak, how do you join

I am not sure exactly, but someone on here correctly guessed that I would be a member of "the australian teak fanciers". The only problem is that I don't know how to join.

Is that another sign that I am already crazy?

My first line should have been "with dowel joints", but I think I need to think of better jokes.

WA, 14850 posts
21 May 2024 1:02PM
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Brent in Qld said..
Straight from Google.

1.Feeling sad or down.
2. Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate.
3. Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt.
4. Extreme mood changes of highs and lows.
5. Withdrawal from friends and activities.
6. Significant tiredness, low energy or problems sleeping.

All of those are subjective.

I mean, what is 'sad', and why aren't crazy people happy? Crazy happy sounds 'normal' to me.

Confused thinking? I have worked with plenty of those people.

Extreme feelings of guilt? No, just the regular amount of guilt for my family I think.


Friends? Well, do I need to withdraw from them or do they need to withdraw from me, or is it mutual?

Significant tiredness? Problems sleeping? I can't do both!

Screw this, being crazy takes too much effort. I need to get certified.

P.S. I think Froth Goth needs a bit of attention/help

WA, 8764 posts
21 May 2024 1:22PM
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If all the world was "crazy" and you were the only sane one, who would be normal?

If you are going crazy, enjoy the experience, it'll probably help the world make sense.

Brent in Qld
WA, 1130 posts
21 May 2024 3:03PM
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Jeez FN, looks like you could be well on the way to being certifiable according to Dr. Google. What type of white coat should we order, well-done, medium or rare?

WA, 14850 posts
21 May 2024 3:58PM
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Brent in Qld said..
Jeez FN, looks like you could be well on the way to being certifiable according to Dr. Google. What type of white coat should we order, well-done, medium or rare?

Yeah, maybe, but in this day and age, I can choose to identify as sane. I refuse your attempt to fit me into a category just because society expects it.

To be honest, I am not really sure if I am a kiter or windsurfer? I haven't windsurfed for a while, but I sort of miss it and feel that I have been cheating on it.

As for white coat, I am not really keen on the colour. Maybe something in blue or grey?

Joking aside, I have met one or two people that I thought 'oh no, this person is genuinely crazy'. In both cases my response was to not antagonise them and back away.

P.S. well done.

WA, 2161 posts
21 May 2024 5:28PM
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I've been there!
I can explain all of this.
But it makes more sense a couple of months later when the acid wears off.

QLD, 6144 posts
21 May 2024 8:55PM
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If you masturbate more than once a week u crazy

WA, 947 posts
21 May 2024 7:07PM
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FormulaNova said..
I mean, I would know if I am not going crazy, but how would I know if I am going crazy?

Would I post even more onto General Discussion? Would I give up my teak admiration membership?

Would anyone notice?

You live in Collie! Enough said....

WA, 3242 posts
21 May 2024 7:21PM
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myusernam said..
If you masturbate more than once a week u crazy

Well that narrows it down... not.

WA, 1557 posts
21 May 2024 7:25PM
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There was a Olympic Qualifer tabletennis match played a few days ago in Ballarat. The winner gets to go to Paris.

After losing the last point he throws his bat hard in the direction of the the umpire. It hits his chair luckily and rebounds 10 metres away such was the force of the throw.

The winner then jumps both legs on to the table.

I am not making this up lol.

Crazy yes.

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Froth Goth
779 posts
21 May 2024 10:30PM
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Its tough to explain.

Its not like acid

Its a bit like if your left arm just started doing **** on its own grabbing things moveing stuff etc but you didnt want it to but you just cant stop it.

But instead of your left arm its your thoughts and thinking.

And instead of it being a thought or thinking its kind of like that feeling you get when your iceskateing and youve JUST slipped, that little entire body whole world stops split second feeling.

Acid doesnt really do that i once stayed awake for 3 days on meth when i was a teenager then my friend gave me a tab of acid and my girlfriend gave me another one not realiseing he had given me one also. This resulted in me proveing i didnt exist.
I was worried i had gone crazy cause even when i woke up a day or so later (so were talking no sleep for 5ish days) i still KNEW i didnt exist like all the thought process and how i worked it out was still there but i was unable to voice it. But i became normal after talking to a psych and they just said ahhhh yeah... your not the first one to believe this infact its been very common for centurys. There was a dude called phyrros ? Who had very very very simular beliefs etc this revelationa almost completely leveled me out as i stopped worrying and all i had to do to not be crazy was to just pretend to be normal for a few months and slowly but surely i became more normal again everyday.

Since then i managed to do enough acid to the point i even was hanging out with the dude who basically made all the lsd in the world stanly owsley / bear who was the band manager for the grateful dead. I happened to be building a prison nearby to his joint out at the walsh and lsd was the only drug we could avoid being tested for when entering and leaving the jail. The dogs were sitting on people for bank notes in theyre wallet haveing residue on them but never for the lsd. This was all around the same time i started kiteboarding actually.

Anyways so being crazy doesnt feel like acid at all really. Your thinking is still controllable when on acid your still actually thinking.

Being crazy feels like you cant stop or control the thinking.

If you do feel like your slipping and cant control your thoughts or theyre not intentional one the signs for me is if its a bit obsessive and compulsive (ocd) and that cycle loops. Also if your noticeing turning your tv or radio up to try not think uncontrollably but the tv volume just wont seem to turn up its like its down a hallway or further away then it is cause your thinking just keeps coming back and drowns out what your trying to focus on.

Anyways being crazy is nearly always for me is tied to sleep deprivation. Add a consistent string of only 4 hour sleeps and then add a huge trigger like fear of looseing everything you own again and having to go back to living in a tent is a great combination it turns out

The cure is ... well therapy will teach you to notice what sort of cycle your in and to spot the signs so you recognise it preferably before or during. But to actual fight the problem really you need sleep. But its very hard to sleep if you arent in control of your thoughts. So what you really need to do is burn off all your energy by running if you can walking will work also tho surfings also magic anything with high cardio will do so an ergo machine etc etc

Just do yourself a favour tho before you go out the door/window for a run make sure youve got pants on and try keep your arms beneath your shoulders and the noise to a minimum

Ill be haveing a bit of a break from seabreeze for ahwhile but i apreciate the concern etc only logged into let yas know im all good and have got friends looking out for me in the real world

Tldr sleep and cardio is the cure the "medicines" tend to make you get 1 of those but not the other but the therapy will help you control it by knowing the signs etc
hopefully im not actually getting sued maybe ill just pretend im not for long enough i wont

One more thing because this will be increaseingly important with this "houseing crisis"

Alcohol in itself is almost definitely the easiest way to self medicate so when you see these homeless pricks drinking in park etc etc dont just think theyre alcoholics think of it as theyre self medicateing. Its really bloody hard to sleep if your going cold turkey amd its really easy to atleast get some ****ty sleep (never really get REM but sometimes deep) and it also lifts the mood etc etc the worst thing you could do is stay awake for days and days thats why iceys have that special brand of crazy. And if you do ice and drink youll find the alcohol hardly works. So yeah no ones cureing anything for anyone until people have proper sleeping arrangements. Theres a few people out there trying to help with this such as *the sleep bus* i dont think enough is really focused on this because even if your sleeping in a luxury van on side of the road you will be woken up soon as a truck drives past inches from your head at 3am 4am 5am etc etc

Houseing = sleep sleep = health but to get to sleep you gotto burn off them demons with some cardio

Brent in Qld
WA, 1130 posts
22 May 2024 7:27AM
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Good sleep is an essential component of a healthy life and is severely overlooked by most. There isn't a living organism we are aware of that does not require some down time to recoup/reset/revive. An interesting, yet to be proved, observation has been the less sleep/static state, the shorter the life span of the organism.

Those who regularly do not sleep properly are prone to all manner of brain dysfunction least of all dementia. Push the limits, and as the Nazis documented, the body starts to physically break down, hallucinations become forefront and ultimately, death occurs. Most people will die from no sleep before dieing from a lack of water or food.

In a nutshell, if you want to improve your general well-being, taking sleep as seriously as diet or exercise is a really good place to start.

QLD, 6144 posts
22 May 2024 5:57PM
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my post about masturbating was of course in jest.
If you believe in more than 2 conspiracy theories is a good start.
4 and you're certifiable

WA, 2161 posts
22 May 2024 8:05PM
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Assange. Clinton. Boeing. Where's my crazy pills?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"How do I know if I am going crazy?" started by FormulaNova