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I just cant watch 'fall'

Created by FormulaNova 8 months ago, 10 May 2024
WA, 14854 posts
10 May 2024 8:07PM
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Is it just me, or do other people find this movie hard or impossible to watch.

I am not terrified of heights, but wary of them, but this movie is something I cannot get through. I tried to watch it on a flight and had to turn it off. I recently tried watching it again and lasted not very long.

Is there anyone here that has no fear of heights and would climb a supported TV tower? A wind farm turbine?

Surprisingly, I don't get bothered at all on planes, and I don't think a parachute jump would bother me either, but the idea of just standing on a tower a couple of hundred metres in the air chills me to the bone.

WA, 2164 posts
10 May 2024 9:07PM
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Never heard of the movie. Been fearful of heights since a big fall as a small child. I don't look down when I boost because it's scary up that high. There's a crane on a 14 story building rooftop in Berlin that will hang you from the top, drop you into freefall then gently catch you. You could see the fear in my face as I gulped air walking to the edge. With the right safety equipment I'd do any of it. Fear is exhilarating.

Froth Goth
810 posts
11 May 2024 4:41AM
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Omfg man as a rope access tech its ****ing so bad i had to leave the room so many times that whole start where theyre just jumping to eachother etc like all of it was just too real.

was ment to be teaching the misses how to simul rap someone this weekend just gonna throw her in the pool then the river for some diveing instead

Ai says bullsharks are less likely to eat us in the neap/ between tides cause less active so hopeing its less wiggy

I did like the fishing for phone signal bit tho

And yeah trust me we could all climb that tower with a proper harness and a krull asap etc etc

Doing it how they did it ?!?!? Wtf!!

They only climb those towers for ndt (non destructive testing) so literally to make sure the bolts etc are tightened up but for somethinf that size im sure they would send a drone up first to check it.

And in the movie.... they had a drone...

I feel like they must have actually consulted dopes on ropes and actual climbers to make that movie because the glareing obvious of what they SHOULD have done and what they DID do was just too much

And it worked it made me feel ill on several occasions and 2000 feet is ****all height compared to what im used to but as you guys could kind of experience its not the height thats the problem but the EXPOSURE

I haaaaate exposer put me in a reactor or a tank anyday over tower work

WA, 2164 posts
11 May 2024 5:05PM
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Now I've seen it. I'm skeptical about climbing up the rusty waterslide towers in Thailand. There's no way I'd have climbed that rusty piece of crap in the movie. Gotta have confidence in the structure, I didn't even have confidence at the top of Gibraltar. Safe to say some of the camera work/green screen in the movie got my glands pumping.

1864 posts
11 May 2024 5:27PM
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I liked that movie. Reminded me a bit of open water. I felt bad when she became a drunk and then finds out her friend rooted her husband. But all was good in end when she's rescued, hugs and makes up with her pop.

QLD, 4008 posts
15 May 2024 8:54AM
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New doco on Netflix called mountains, it's got some vertigo inducing scenes of people in insane places.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"I just cant watch 'fall'" started by FormulaNova