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I met the dumbest person in the world

Created by Harrow > 9 months ago, 28 Mar 2016
QLD, 6493 posts
20 Apr 2016 5:09PM
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iPads resting on the steering wheel on the highway, truck drivers eating pot noodles with chopsticks...Asis has dumb mastered!

WA, 3028 posts
20 Apr 2016 3:49PM
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Kamikuza said..

iPads resting on the steering wheel on the highway, truck drivers eating pot noodles with chopsticks...Asis has dumb mastered!

This I have seen in Perth, freeway south also seen on Tonkin highway old fella reading the paper doing 60km in 90km zone

QLD, 6493 posts
20 Apr 2016 9:02PM
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Elbiws up on the steering wheel, reading a novel or comic. Genius.

WA, 2775 posts
20 Apr 2016 7:58PM
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Heres a couple for you,
a few years ago in my mechanics workshop.......

Really droolworthy FIAT 124 coupe, plagued with clutch problems.
Over several months there were something like 8 clutches and 2 flywheels replaced, with several extra tear downs trying to figure out WTF was going on.
Going by the book, a clutch change was supposed to be something like 6 hours worth - we got it down to under 20 minutes.

After bolting in the 2nd flywheel and umpteenth clutch - I took it for a blast - no fault found.
Owner drove off.....slipping clutch / grinding gears.
I hopped back in....slid the seat forward and all was good.

Dopey kid was trying for the "Italian ape/boyracer" driving style and couldnt get the clutch pedal in far enough.

Immaculate early model [IIRC] XM Falcon, continually reported as running rough by the elderly lady who owned it.
We couldnt find anything wrong with it - although the exhaust was rather sooty - as were the plugs.
Hooked in new plugs, went for a cruise to Scabs and back, running like a dream.
Handed it back to the old girl, who promptly pulled the choke knob [remember them?] out all the way and hung her handbag on it.

Awesome 1970's FIAT130 coupe, towed into the workshop.

I had done a bit of work on this car - and been lucky enough to be trusted with it by the owner - with the express purpose of chucking Friday and Saturday night bog laps with the girlfriend

The 130 coupe weighed as much as an LTD, came as standard with auto, LSD, disks all round, had the V6 engine block from the Ferrari Dino with single OHC per bank instead of twin cam per bank that the Ferrari had.

All electrics had a duplicated circuit in case of faults [anyone who knows FIATS and their wiring peculiarities will shudder at that thought]

They [IT] would out accellerate the [at the time] latest W.A. Police issue "Brock Built" pursuit Commodores, up to 140mph.

"My" beloved 130 was towed in, when the owners wife borrowed the car - the oil warning light came on and the engine stopped.
[auto safety feature - low oil pressure being detected would trigger a fuel shut off valve]

But!! she beat the system by restarting the car and stomping on the loud pedal until it shut down again - in a few hundred yards......for around 30km or so.

Ever tried to buy a ferrari Dino crankshaft and bearings


WA, 3519 posts
21 Apr 2016 11:46AM
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I just met the dumbest person on Seabreeze (gay1?) but he just vanished!

NSW, 1576 posts
25 Apr 2016 7:12PM
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Harrow you want to meet the dumbest person in the world go to stratco &just take your pick .
I think you have to be even more special than a telstra customer service person to get a job there &that my friends is saying something

3777 posts
25 Apr 2016 8:38PM
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Magic Ride
719 posts
26 Apr 2016 1:09AM
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I am not surprised one bit! Some people have never seen windsurfing in action before, especially if they are from a different culture.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"I met the dumbest person in the world" started by Harrow