Do owners of websites have any controls on the ads being put on their sites? Seabreeze network starting to look like 4chan
Cookies are enabled so ads are tailored to each user based on their search history.
I'm getting ads for furniture, I wonder what Pcdefender is getting ads for....
You love your ads for Big Pharma medSIN
Japie.....well he loves his travel ads for destinations around the globe. Puts his mind at rest lol.
I used to get so many Temu ads here for products that I didn't even know what they were.
Sometimes, I get ads that cover the whole front page of the site that I can't remove without a refresh.
Lucky some of the content is entertaining.
I keep on getting ads for girls in bikinis. Where do you buy them?
Maybe I should stop clicking on them and they will go away? Nah...
I use adblock, and don't see any.
I didn't previously, to support the site.
But now I can't put up with them.