Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Is anyone else affected by artificial sweetners?

Created by FormulaNova > 9 months ago, 13 Sep 2023
WA, 14911 posts
13 Sep 2023 5:51PM
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I am curious about whether others have a problem, but I have noticed over the years that 'zero sugar' soft drinks seem to give me a migraine or unsettle my stomach.

I have avoided them ever since I have noticed a link between this, but I was a bit surprised recently to find I got a reaction to Sprite. Since it was the 'normal' version I figured it must have been something else even though the migraine symptoms followed the drink.

To my surprise, Sprite has got aspartme in it. I have no idea why given that its meant to be the one with sugar in it, but it has. Now I am a bit more wary of manufacturers throwing in artifical sweetners when you don't expect them to.

Maybe I should just stick to beer? No surprises in that one for me.

WA, 12444 posts
13 Sep 2023 6:12PM
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I give soft drinks a miss, 0 alcohol beers are much better. They've improved markedly lately, try Great Northern, Carlton or Asahi

WA, 2183 posts
13 Sep 2023 7:56PM
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I don't share your experiences but aspartate is an excitory neurotransmitter so lots of people have the same problem, it's more common in those carrying the ADHD/autism genes, interestingly most are not adversely affected by the similar amount of aspartate in red meat, there's surely a third factor at play in this sensitivity. Sucralose has been shown to either increase intestinal permeability or aid transport through the intestinal epithelium.
This is just more crap people say about eating healthy.

WA, 8774 posts
13 Sep 2023 9:27PM
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Nothing to do with artificial sweetners

I get migraines from chocolate (real nasty bastards)
also from barometric pressure changes +-3HPa in 6hrs, fronts and troughs are lots of fun and friviolity

QLD, 463 posts
14 Sep 2023 12:38AM
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Aspiration is carsonagetic, avoid it.
Also don't eat potato chips for chips in general with chicken salt they have MSG, it can really upset your stomach and cause bowl cancer in the long run.

Avoid processed seed oils, it's in 90% of everything in the supermarket. Especially avoid canola oil, vegetable oil and sunflower oil.

Avoid artificial colours and flavours or pretty much any ingredient that you can't understand the word of or has a bunch of numbers.

Get yourself a really good water filter that removes fluoride.

Don't buy the crap that's on special read the ingredients of everything and stop buying fake cheap food and chemical water/soda.

If you need oil for ingredients use Medium-chain triglycerides fats or oils that are low in omega 6 but high in omega 3. Olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, 100% pure butter (the hard butter that isn't mixed with crap) and ghee are good for you.

Avoid using anything aluminium and anything with forever chemicals like non stick paper for cooking or microwavable popcorn.

Avoid GMO foods especially corn and wheat/flour.
If you require wheat/flour only use organic because wheat is sometimes flooded with roundup/glyphosate to kill and dry it fast and prevent mould destroying the drying crop.

Take probiotics and fix your gut flora.

Avoid Sunscreen, and soaps with paraben.

All this will cost you alot more money and time preparing meals from scratch as our grandparents did before packeted processed crap became the norm, but it is worth looking after your health.

Most importantly of all avoid whatever pharmaceutical products you can especially vaccines. ??

Me and my family have been doing this for about 1 year now and my wife has gone from 67kg to 57kg. It will fix your inflammation you didn't even know you had and repair your metabolism.

If your overweight, lack energy or have digestive issues or skin issues give this a shot for a few months and see how you go.

I am not a doctor and am not paid to lie to you or sell you drugs. ??

WA, 14911 posts
13 Sep 2023 10:42PM
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decrepit said..
I give soft drinks a miss, 0 alcohol beers are much better. They've improved markedly lately, try Great Northern, Carlton or Asahi

I might give that a try. The last zero alcohol beer I tried tasted very metallic/artificial, but that was a while ago so I might give a few of those a try.

WA, 14911 posts
13 Sep 2023 10:46PM
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snoidberg said..
Aspiration is carsonagetic, avoid it.
Also don't eat potato chips for chips in general with chicken salt they have MSG, it can really upset your stomach and cause bowl cancer in the long run.

Avoid processed seed oils, it's in 90% of everything in the supermarket. Especially avoid canola oil, vegetable oil and sunflower oil.

Avoid artificial colours and flavours or pretty much any ingredient that you can't understand the word of or has a bunch of numbers.

Get yourself a really good water filter that removes fluoride.

Don't buy the crap that's on special read the ingredients of everything and stop buying fake cheap food and chemical water/soda.

If you need oil for ingredients use Medium-chain triglycerides fats or oils that are low in omega 6 but high in omega 3. Olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, 100% pure butter (the hard butter that isn't mixed with crap) and ghee are good for you.

Avoid using anything aluminium and anything with forever chemicals like non stick paper for cooking or microwavable popcorn.

Avoid GMO foods especially corn and wheat/flour.
If you require wheat/flour only use organic because wheat is sometimes flooded with roundup/glyphosate to kill and dry it fast and prevent mould destroying the drying crop.

Take probiotics and fix your gut flora.

Avoid Sunscreen, and soaps with paraben.

All this will cost you alot more money and time preparing meals from scratch as our grandparents did before packeted processed crap became the norm, but it is worth looking after your health.

Most importantly of all avoid whatever pharmaceutical products you can especially vaccines. ??

Me and my family have been doing this for about 1 year now and my wife has gone from 67kg to 57kg. It will fix your inflammation you didn't even know you had and repair your metabolism.

If your overweight, lack energy or have digestive issues or skin issues give this a shot for a few months and see how you go.

I am not a doctor and am not paid to lie to you or sell you drugs. ??

You could just as easily eat raw foods. Not that there is anything particularly healthier about this, but cooking makes a lot more of the energy of the food available, so you would lose weight just based on less energy you are consuming.

I have noticed the problem with artificial sweetners and I have tried with and without, so at least with those I feel different. The rest of the stuff on your list I don't notice any problems.

QLD, 463 posts
14 Sep 2023 8:17AM
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I accidentally bought a diet coke from a vending machine years ago, I drank half and felt real sick.
It took me 3 days to get over stomach cramps.
Some of us might be real sensitive to the stuff.
Avoiding seed oil and chemicals isn't about loosing weight because of energy input or output it simply fixes your metabolism so your body can break down food and use the energy instead of storing energy as fat. It also reduces inflammation. Yes eating raw food is good but we love eating alot of meats every day too, just cook with better fats and avoid packeted crap.
It forces you to make things from scratch and is more fun, healthy and tasty when you put the time into it.

Brent in Qld
WA, 1175 posts
14 Sep 2023 6:22AM
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snoidberg said..
Aspiration is carsonagetic, avoid it.
Also don't eat potato chips for chips in general with chicken salt they have MSG, it can really upset your stomach and cause bowl cancer in the long run.

Avoid processed seed oils, it's in 90% of everything in the supermarket. Especially avoid canola oil, vegetable oil and sunflower oil.

Avoid artificial colours and flavours or pretty much any ingredient that you can't understand the word of or has a bunch of numbers.

Get yourself a really good water filter that removes fluoride.

Don't buy the crap that's on special read the ingredients of everything and stop buying fake cheap food and chemical water/soda.

If you need oil for ingredients use Medium-chain triglycerides fats or oils that are low in omega 6 but high in omega 3. Olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, 100% pure butter (the hard butter that isn't mixed with crap) and ghee are good for you.

Avoid using anything aluminium and anything with forever chemicals like non stick paper for cooking or microwavable popcorn.

Avoid GMO foods especially corn and wheat/flour.
If you require wheat/flour only use organic because wheat is sometimes flooded with roundup/glyphosate to kill and dry it fast and prevent mould destroying the drying crop.

Take probiotics and fix your gut flora.

Avoid Sunscreen, and soaps with paraben.

All this will cost you alot more money and time preparing meals from scratch as our grandparents did before packeted processed crap became the norm, but it is worth looking after your health.

Most importantly of all avoid whatever pharmaceutical products you can especially vaccines. ??

Me and my family have been doing this for about 1 year now and my wife has gone from 67kg to 57kg. It will fix your inflammation you didn't even know you had and repair your metabolism.

If your overweight, lack energy or have digestive issues or skin issues give this a shot for a few months and see how you go.

I am not a doctor and am not paid to lie to you or sell you drugs. ??

What do you mean by aspiration? Medically it is when we draw a breath, usually with relation to having something lodged in our lungs or airway.

FN, artificial sweeteners are not great. Read up on the history of aspartame, look into it's known side affects then read Fed Up by Sue Dengate. Happy reading!

WA, 2183 posts
14 Sep 2023 6:23AM
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snoidberg said..
Aspiration is carsonagetic, avoid it.
Also don't eat potato chips for chips in general with chicken salt they have MSG, it can really upset your stomach and cause bowl cancer in the long run.

Avoid processed seed oils, it's in 90% of everything in the supermarket. Especially avoid canola oil, vegetable oil and sunflower oil.

Avoid artificial colours and flavours or pretty much any ingredient that you can't understand the word of or has a bunch of numbers.

Get yourself a really good water filter that removes fluoride.

Don't buy the crap that's on special read the ingredients of everything and stop buying fake cheap food and chemical water/soda.

If you need oil for ingredients use Medium-chain triglycerides fats or oils that are low in omega 6 but high in omega 3. Olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, 100% pure butter (the hard butter that isn't mixed with crap) and ghee are good for you.

Avoid using anything aluminium and anything with forever chemicals like non stick paper for cooking or microwavable popcorn.

Avoid GMO foods especially corn and wheat/flour.
If you require wheat/flour only use organic because wheat is sometimes flooded with roundup/glyphosate to kill and dry it fast and prevent mould destroying the drying crop.

Take probiotics and fix your gut flora.

Avoid Sunscreen, and soaps with paraben.

All this will cost you alot more money and time preparing meals from scratch as our grandparents did before packeted processed crap became the norm, but it is worth looking after your health.

Most importantly of all avoid whatever pharmaceutical products you can especially vaccines. ??

Me and my family have been doing this for about 1 year now and my wife has gone from 67kg to 57kg. It will fix your inflammation you didn't even know you had and repair your metabolism.

If your overweight, lack energy or have digestive issues or skin issues give this a shot for a few months and see how you go.

I am not a doctor and am not paid to lie to you or sell you drugs. ??

Great to see you're at the start of your healthy lifestyle.
Autocorrect has changed aspartic acid to breathing for you. Aspartate is what makes red meat taste sweet, it's not a problem by itself like most things in smaller doses.
I tried switching to low fluoride titanium free toothpaste, I don't consume a lot of processed sugar but the switch made my teeth super sensitive to it so I've gone back to regular.
Edible rapeseed oil or as we call it
Is still about 50 times higher in erucic acid than anything consumed in nature even after they refined and reduced that figure by 90% to turn an industrial lubricant into an "edible" food.

1984 posts
14 Sep 2023 8:05AM
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snoidberg said..
Aspiration is carsonagetic, avoid it.
Also don't eat potato chips for chips in general with chicken salt they have MSG, it can really upset your stomach and cause bowl cancer in the long run.

Avoid processed seed oils, it's in 90% of everything in the supermarket. Especially avoid canola oil, vegetable oil and sunflower oil.

Avoid artificial colours and flavours or pretty much any ingredient that you can't understand the word of or has a bunch of numbers.

Get yourself a really good water filter that removes fluoride.

Don't buy the crap that's on special read the ingredients of everything and stop buying fake cheap food and chemical water/soda.

If you need oil for ingredients use Medium-chain triglycerides fats or oils that are low in omega 6 but high in omega 3. Olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, 100% pure butter (the hard butter that isn't mixed with crap) and ghee are good for you.

Avoid using anything aluminium and anything with forever chemicals like non stick paper for cooking or microwavable popcorn.

Avoid GMO foods especially corn and wheat/flour.
If you require wheat/flour only use organic because wheat is sometimes flooded with roundup/glyphosate to kill and dry it fast and prevent mould destroying the drying crop.

Take probiotics and fix your gut flora.

Avoid Sunscreen, and soaps with paraben.

All this will cost you alot more money and time preparing meals from scratch as our grandparents did before packeted processed crap became the norm, but it is worth looking after your health.

Most importantly of all avoid whatever pharmaceutical products you can especially vaccines. ??

Me and my family have been doing this for about 1 year now and my wife has gone from 67kg to 57kg. It will fix your inflammation you didn't even know you had and repair your metabolism.

If your overweight, lack energy or have digestive issues or skin issues give this a shot for a few months and see how you go.

I am not a doctor and am not paid to lie to you or sell you drugs. ??

Thanks for this. Common sense is so complicated in 2023.

QLD, 463 posts
14 Sep 2023 1:47PM
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Yep sorry I ment the artificial sweeteners like aspartame.
When my sister in law was hospitalized with multi organ inflammation after the Coles vaccine mandate. We were not allowed to enter the hospital to visit her because we were un-injected. We realised that we can't rely on Australia's health system and we need to make dramatic changes to our lifestyle and diet to make sure we don't need healthcare.

1984 posts
14 Sep 2023 4:04PM
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HEY snoidberg, Are there any chems in this I need to be concerned about?

It's hummus.. tastes good!

WA, 6992 posts
14 Sep 2023 6:06PM
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myscreenname said..
HEY snoidberg, Are there any chems in this I need to be concerned about?

** YES **

It may contain Eggs, Fish, Lupins and Tree Nuts

Says so on the container.

QLD, 463 posts
14 Sep 2023 9:03PM
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myscreenname said..
HEY snoidberg, Are there any chems in this I need to be concerned about?

It's hummus.. tastes good!

Vegetable oil is the 3rd ingredient so I wouldn't eat it. Can't make out much of the rest, vegetable oil contains canola oil.
If you can't find hummus without seed oils you might want to try making your own and use another oil.


1984 posts
14 Sep 2023 9:46PM
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Sorry it was a sh1t photo. Yes vegetable oil was third ingredient in the Aldi Hummus. I've started trying to eat non processed food, I generally enjoy and prefer the flavour of fresh food. But there are some processed foods that I find hard to let go of - mainly cheese, yoghurt, dark chocolate, coffee, milk, sparkling mineral water, white wine and dips for my raw vegetables.

Any particular brands that are better than others I should look for?

NSW, 4521 posts
15 Sep 2023 1:01PM
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snoidberg said..
Aspiration is carsonagetic, avoid it.
Also don't eat potato chips for chips in general with chicken salt they have MSG, it can really upset your stomach and cause bowl cancer in the long run.

Avoid processed seed oils, it's in 90% of everything in the supermarket. Especially avoid canola oil, vegetable oil and sunflower oil.

Avoid artificial colours and flavours or pretty much any ingredient that you can't understand the word of or has a bunch of numbers.

Get yourself a really good water filter that removes fluoride.

Don't buy the crap that's on special read the ingredients of everything and stop buying fake cheap food and chemical water/soda.

If you need oil for ingredients use Medium-chain triglycerides fats or oils that are low in omega 6 but high in omega 3. Olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, 100% pure butter (the hard butter that isn't mixed with crap) and ghee are good for you.

Avoid using anything aluminium and anything with forever chemicals like non stick paper for cooking or microwavable popcorn.

Avoid GMO foods especially corn and wheat/flour.
If you require wheat/flour only use organic because wheat is sometimes flooded with roundup/glyphosate to kill and dry it fast and prevent mould destroying the drying crop.

Take probiotics and fix your gut flora.

Avoid Sunscreen, and soaps with paraben.

All this will cost you alot more money and time preparing meals from scratch as our grandparents did before packeted processed crap became the norm, but it is worth looking after your health.

Most importantly of all avoid whatever pharmaceutical products you can especially vaccines. ??

Me and my family have been doing this for about 1 year now and my wife has gone from 67kg to 57kg. It will fix your inflammation you didn't even know you had and repair your metabolism.

If your overweight, lack energy or have digestive issues or skin issues give this a shot for a few months and see how you go.

I am not a doctor and am not paid to lie to you or sell you drugs. ??

Been doing a lot of this to help ease inflammation in my youngest daughter's auto-immune condition. Interestingly, a couple of other family members have noticed significant improvements in their digestive health as a result.

WA, 2183 posts
15 Sep 2023 8:29PM
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myscreenname said..
Sorry it was a sh1t photo. Yes vegetable oil was third ingredient in the Aldi Hummus. I've started trying to eat non processed food, I generally enjoy and prefer the flavour of fresh food. But there are some processed foods that I find hard to let go of - mainly cheese, yoghurt, dark chocolate, coffee, milk, sparkling mineral water, white wine and dips for my raw vegetables.

Any particular brands that are better than others I should look for?

Haloumi cheese
Greek yoghurt
Minimum 70% dark chocolate
Light or medium roast coffee (morning only)
Unsweetened mineral water
Wine is for celebrations
Can't go past a home made guac.

QLD, 463 posts
15 Sep 2023 11:14PM
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myscreenname said..
Sorry it was a sh1t photo. Yes vegetable oil was third ingredient in the Aldi Hummus. I've started trying to eat non processed food, I generally enjoy and prefer the flavour of fresh food. But there are some processed foods that I find hard to let go of - mainly cheese, yoghurt, dark chocolate, coffee, milk, sparkling mineral water, white wine and dips for my raw vegetables.

Any particular brands that are better than others I should look for?

Hi, I'm still learning as I go but every other ingredient seems ok to me, acidity regulator 330 is apparently just vitamin C which is very good.
If you take vitamin C I recommend melrose vitamin c powder instead of those orange tablets that have artificial sweeteners and they don't even have to have it on the label as an ingredient.
It's hard changing everything suddenly, I remember when we first started this and we took 4 hours to get through all the iles because we were reading every ingredient and googling what they were. By the end of our shop we would normally have a full trolley but we only had a quarter of a trolley and it still cost us a similar price. Eventually tho we worked out what products we trust and now we can get shopping done quicker. For instance instead of buying a frozen pizza or ordering Domino's for a treat, we buy organic flour, yest, cheese, meat and vegetables. Mix the pizza dough and let our kids make their own pizza. Do it in steps, if you can just cut one bad thing out at a time. We are still finding our way and learning how to improve but we still need a little treat sometimes as well. If we are out and eat something that might have some seed oil we counteract it by taking extra omega 3 fish oil. I think dark chocolate is ok and some chocolate doesn't have seed oil.

As for brands, I'm not sure but I try and avoid eye level shelves/big brands because in general they are all about big profit, selling large volumes, using bi-products/fillers and chemicals for long shelf life, minimal production cost and maximum addiction. Try and buy from the independent little brands but still read ingredients.

This is my chocolate fix ??


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Is anyone else affected by artificial sweetners?" started by FormulaNova