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John Skerritt is he suss?

Created by myscreenname > 9 months ago, 17 Feb 2024
1790 posts
17 Feb 2024 5:18PM
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Getting stuff on social media about the C.

Asking for a friend.

WA, 3158 posts
23 Feb 2024 5:17PM
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Seems your friend is the only one worried about John Skerritt the C.

"Professor John Skerritt is Enterprise Professor in Health Research Impact at the University of Melbourne, Australia and an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Medicine and Health of the University of Sydney, Australia.

He retired as Deputy Secretary of the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care in April 2023, having had line responsibility for over 1200 staff involved in four Australian regulators - regulation of medicines, biologics and devices (as head of the Therapeutic Goods Administration), regulation of gene technology and industrial chemicals and control of drug import, export and production.

He is active on many national and international boards and advisory committees, including advising on the establishment of a mRNA vaccines and medicines industry in Australia. John is also Chair of the Scientific Advisory Council of the UK-based Centre for Innovation in Regulatory Science, and a member of the boards of two major Australian industry associations - Medicines Australia (research-based medicines industry) and AusBiotech (biotechnology).

He has a university medal and PhD and is the author of over 300 publications in many fields and earlier commercialised over a dozen biotechnology products in Australia and internationally.

In a previous role, he was deputy agency head and the most senior scientific leader in Australia's Foreign Affairs portfolio, and led the negotiation, design and implementation of over $1 billion in collaborative research and development programs between Australia and countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Professor Skerritt was part of the leadership of Australia's COVID-19 response and one of its public faces undertaking over 100 interviews and media conferences."

1790 posts
23 Feb 2024 7:06PM
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Yep, this friend is a conspiracy theorists and dug up the following. I couldn't verify it either.

Select to expand quote
If it looks, sounds and smells like corruption ... well, maybe we should trust our senses.

John Skerritt, the man who signed off on the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in this country, has taken a high-paying job with Medicines Australia, an organisation that advocates on behalf of the nation's biggest pharmaceutical companies.

As the former head of the TGA, Skerritt was responsible for authorising the experimental mRNA vaccines. He did so based on only a few months of clinical trial data, despite serious unaddressed concerns about their safety and effectiveness.

The products he hastily approved have since been linked to a shockingly high rate of SERIOUS ADVERSE EVENTS, especially among children. Their rollout coincided with a significant increase in EXCESS MORTALITY which, to this day, nobody in the government has even attempted to explain.

And as we all now know, the vaccines didn't even stop us from getting infected.

If you believe that John Skerritt's relationship with Big Pharma should be investigated, click 'Learn more' to join the 78,000+ Australians who have signed our petition for a TRULY INDEPENDENT Pandemic Royal Commission. When you're done, you'll have the opportunity to tell YOUR story of the pandemic by submitting a response to our national survey.

Truth, justice and accountability is still attainable, but only if we fight like hell for it. Click 'Learn more' to join the movement today!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"John Skerritt is he suss?" started by myscreenname