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Just bought 1 bitcoin for AU $32K

Created by myscreenname > 9 months ago, 14 Jun 2022
1964 posts
14 Jun 2022 5:04PM
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14 June 2022

On 14 June 2023 will I be up or down and why?

QLD, 6808 posts
14 Jun 2022 8:59PM
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myscreenname said..
14 June 2022

On 14 June 2023 will I be up or down and why?

You are lucky man,
By the end of financial year 30 Jun 2022 you could claim
loss of $10,000 on crypto BitCoin investment
against your $30,000 income on lawn mowing business.

You are smart ! even better
next year your investment will be worth zero
so you could claim even $20,000 loss !!now you could mow twice as much grass and still pay no tax at all !

911 posts
14 Jun 2022 8:25PM
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Big lawn business paying no tax......

Grrrr, it's an outrage

QLD, 6808 posts
14 Jun 2022 11:19PM
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TonyAbbott said..
Big lawn business paying no tax......

Grrrr, it's an outrage

Wait, Kiwi are going to tax farting sheep's.
And cattle .
Now government budget can puff ex potentially .A bit smelly but inflated at least properly.

WA, 6975 posts
15 Jun 2022 3:03PM
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myscreenname said..
Just bought 1 bitcoin for AU 32k

As they say ....Pics or it didn't happen.

What-ya gunna do with it ?

Hang it on the wall ? Bitcoin pie for dinner ?

Shim up the front wing of ya ding ?

NSW, 9029 posts
15 Jun 2022 6:36PM
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When bitcoin goes down to $5k U.S. I'll buy a few.

QLD, 6808 posts
15 Jun 2022 6:53PM
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Are you absolutely sure that you could find greater fool here, there or anywhere, Yourscreen?

QLD, 1396 posts
15 Jun 2022 6:55PM
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Mobydisc said..
When bitcoin goes down to $5k U.S. I'll buy a few.

That's 5k too much, it's going to zero, just watch , maybe it will be worth a tulip.

1964 posts
15 Jun 2022 4:57PM
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I'm in it for the tech.

WA, 6975 posts
15 Jun 2022 5:04PM
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myscreenname said..
I'm in it for the tech.

Wot ? like Betamax and CDs ?

I still use internet explorer

WA, 14905 posts
15 Jun 2022 5:05PM
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myscreenname said..
I'm in it for the tech.

BS. You are in it for the gain Unless you are crazy, and I don't think you are crazy.

NSW, 9029 posts
15 Jun 2022 7:12PM
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airsail said..

Mobydisc said..
When bitcoin goes down to $5k U.S. I'll buy a few.

That's 5k too much, it's going to zero, just watch , maybe it will be worth a tulip.

Dunno. Its hard to say whether the fellow who bought a pizza with his bitcoins was a fool or was too smart.

To me Bitcoin is a real SHTF currency. It was put out as a response to the financial practices of the US Federal Reserve when it started its quantitative easing by creating a system where one source cannot create new money without the rest agreeing with it.

However the drop in value of Bitcoin has been disappointing as this is a time where the of incredible amounts of money created by central banks around the world to fund government debt, as no one else can afford or do not want to buy it.

Maybe gold is the go.

1964 posts
15 Jun 2022 5:45PM
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WA, 549 posts
17 Jun 2022 6:38PM
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myscreenname said..
14 June 2022

On 14 June 2023 will I be up or down and why?

Do you remember when I said it would drop to $29K AUD and you said " it won't Poppa "

No worries Sonny

QLD, 3664 posts
18 Jun 2022 12:17PM
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I must say I'm pressed at myscreennames bravery, by both investing and putting it out there that he's invested.

But I still can't understand how you value BTC. Is their a calculation to say what it's actually worth atm?

QLD, 6149 posts
18 Jun 2022 2:42PM
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Myscreename u can mow my lawn for 20 bucks if u cant ger money for food

1964 posts
18 Jun 2022 5:38PM
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myusernam said..
Myscreename u can mow my lawn for 20 bucks if u cant ger money for food

Pffft, you haven't lost unless you sell.

I'm in it for the tech.

It will go up again, and at that time I'll remind all the non believer "rimmers"!

I'll climb on my roof and yell out "I TOLD YOU SO"

WA, 549 posts
18 Jun 2022 5:52PM
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myscreenname said..

myusernam said..
Myscreename u can mow my lawn for 20 bucks if u cant ger money for food

Pffft, you haven't lost unless you sell.

I'm in it for the tech.

It will go up again, and at that time I'll remind all the non believer "rimmers"!

I'll climb on my roof and yell out "I TOLD YOU SO"

We're not going to help line your pockets Sonny

1964 posts
18 Jun 2022 6:32PM
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James said..
We're not going to help line your pockets Sonny

Haven't you got some super to check up on pops?

Wouldn't surprise me when your time to collect comes, old mate Albo will have squirreld it all away.

QLD, 6808 posts
18 Jun 2022 9:36PM
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James said..

myscreenname said..

myusernam said..
Myscreename u can mow my lawn for 20 bucks if u cant ger money for food

Pffft, you haven't lost unless you sell.

I'm in it for the tech.

It will go up again, and at that time I'll remind all the non believer "rimmers"!

I'll climb on my roof and yell out "I TOLD YOU SO"

We're not going to help line your pockets Sonny

One more important thing to consider ! real purchasing value.
Once looking at graph keep in mind that AUD is diving now to USD !!!
"But USD is just falling of the cliff too !!
Which make that BTC graph to something real comparison , like petrol or food will be much steeper .

Somebody still remember times when our AUS dollar was above USA made USD?

What was wrong with that ? Why can not last forever ? What happen to our lucky country status ?

I could propose new format, new statistic to realistically represent fiat currency value.Lets assume 1 m2 of home average constant over time. Then wages, car prices, bread and butter will be paid in m2 fo avarage house price, How it may looks over period of time ? 50 years ?

1964 posts
18 Jun 2022 7:53PM
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Sounds half baked

QLD, 6808 posts
18 Jun 2022 10:00PM
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myscreenname said..
Sounds half baked

because it is
half bakedBeside there is still plenty of money left in Bitcoins !!
What is capitalization right now ?

All this money , slowly but systematically must leak now to few deep pocket guys, that are ripping all the rest

WA, 14905 posts
19 Jun 2022 8:10AM
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Macroscien said..

Somebody still remember times when our AUS dollar was above USA made USD?

What was wrong with that ? Why can not last forever ? What happen to our lucky country status ?

I could propose new format, new statistic to realistically represent fiat currency value.Lets assume 1 m2 of home average constant over time. Then wages, car prices, bread and butter will be paid in m2 fo avarage house price, How it may looks over period of time ? 50 years ?

You still don't understand how currencies work by the sounds of it.

I can't wait for the time when you propose a currency that fluctuates in value based on market pressures, supply and demand, and fiscal policies. We could call it the dollar

The 'lucky country' was a statement suggesting that Australia just gets away with things through simple luck, rather than great planning and development.

The downside of high dollar values is that we import more junk and our exports become less competitive. It becomes a balancing act between viable exports and enough imports. None of which would work if we had a fixed MacroDNA dollar.

WA, 6975 posts
19 Jun 2022 4:51PM
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myscreenname said..
Just bought 1 bitcoin for AU 32k

Who did you buy it off ?

Did it come with a warranty ?

For that sort of money you'd want 3 month price matching and 24 hour roadside assist thrown into the deal.

Maybe check with Fair Trading in your state to see what options are available to you

......oh yeah, will it do 60 knots if you move the mast track forward ?

WA, 14905 posts
19 Jun 2022 6:19PM
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myscreenname said..
FormulaNova said..

You still don't understand how currencies work by the sounds of it.

I can't wait for the time when you propose a currency that fluctuates in value based on market pressures, supply and demand, and fiscal policies. We could call it the dollar

The 'lucky country' was a statement suggesting that Australia just gets away with things through simple luck, rather than great planning and development.

The downside of high dollar values is that we import more junk and our exports become less competitive. It becomes a balancing act between viable exports and enough imports. None of which would work if we had a fixed MacroDNA dollar.

I always wonder about all the talentless people appearing on those tv reality talent programs. Why do their parents encourage them?

Surely that's a form of child abuse.

To be fair, at least he puts up ideas for discussion. We may not agree with them all the time, but innovation needs ideas first. Some work, some don't. Some seem stupid and then they work.

Except Bitcoin.

1964 posts
19 Jun 2022 6:55PM
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FormulaNova said..
To be fair, at least he puts up ideas for discussion. We may not agree with them all the time, but innovation needs ideas first. Some work, some don't. Some seem stupid and then they work.

Except Bitcoin.

I'm only on Seabreeze for the tech, and to hear opinions from certified, trusted experts, like yourself.

I'm not interested in continuing with discussions about half baked currencies based on a persons DNA.

What we need on here is an Ignore button.

911 posts
19 Jun 2022 7:20PM
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If DNA can be a currency....

I wonder if farts could be too, I would be so rich right now, definitely a bull market here

Until I flushed it down the toilet anyway

QLD, 6808 posts
20 Jun 2022 1:01AM
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myscreenname said..

FormulaNova said..

You still don't understand how currencies work by the sounds of it.

I can't wait for the time when you propose a currency that fluctuates in value based on market pressures, supply and demand, and fiscal policies. We could call it the dollar

The 'lucky country' was a statement suggesting that Australia just gets away with things through simple luck, rather than great planning and development.

The downside of high dollar values is that we import more junk and our exports become less competitive. It becomes a balancing act between viable exports and enough imports. None of which would work if we had a fixed MacroDNA dollar.

The cock smoker is deluded. He must think he's onto something. But like every single invention he bangs on about, it's flawed.

Maybe his parents praised him too much.

I always wonder about all the talentless people appearing on those tv reality talent programs. Why do their parents encourage them?

Surely that's a form of child abuse.

Yep I was sent to learn and play piano for 10 years ! what a waste of best kiddy times !!

Ian K
WA, 4120 posts
21 Jun 2022 3:46PM
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Macroscien said..

myscreenname said..

FormulaNova said..

You still don't understand how currencies work by the sounds of it.

I can't wait for the time when you propose a currency that fluctuates in value based on market pressures, supply and demand, and fiscal policies. We could call it the dollar

The 'lucky country' was a statement suggesting that Australia just gets away with things through simple luck, rather than great planning and development.

The downside of high dollar values is that we import more junk and our exports become less competitive. It becomes a balancing act between viable exports and enough imports. None of which would work if we had a fixed MacroDNA dollar.

The cock smoker is deluded. He must think he's onto something. But like every single invention he bangs on about, it's flawed.

Maybe his parents praised him too much.

I always wonder about all the talentless people appearing on those tv reality talent programs. Why do their parents encourage them?

Surely that's a form of child abuse.

Yep I was sent to learn and play piano for 10 years ! what a waste of best kiddy times !!

Well you could have spent 10 years learning to carve gybe a slapper only for it all to be made redundant by the introduction of the windfoilers.

So bitcoin has bumped back up to 30K! Makes you wonder who's buying them? True believers buying the dip? The short seller who borrowed a bitcoin from Macro for $100 a day, sold it to Myscreen for 32 K and thinks it's time to buy another to return it to Macro along with the $700 rent? A consortium of miners trying a bit of bootstrapping ?

Can't see any new chums getting into it with its current track record over the past year?

1964 posts
21 Jun 2022 6:36PM
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Ian K said..
Can't see any new chums getting into it with its current track record over the past year?

You work in IT, right?

QLD, 1396 posts
21 Jun 2022 8:53PM
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Can't see any new chums getting into it with its current track record over the past year?

Dead cat bounce, but on steroids. It's like a religion for the followers who will sprook the benefits of crypto constantly in a hope to drive the price higher. The problem is the new chums have been scared off, no winners driving lambos except the ones that got out awhile ago. Hopefully the exchanges like Celsius open up to withdrawals this week and we can watch the punters flee and the prices plummet.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Just bought 1 bitcoin for AU $32K" started by myscreenname