Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Pearls of wisdom

Created by psychojoe 4 months ago, 20 Oct 2024
WA, 2181 posts
20 Oct 2024 8:03PM
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No, I haven't got one, but there's some clever cookies on here who've shared some great knowledge, two that come to mind are Fangmans words about creating an environment for good oral bacteria to thrive, and Christians lesson in how to safely self land a kite.
It'd be nice if we could fill this thread with such wisdom, As a filter, don't post any of your own knowledge, just share what you learnt from someone else that made an impactful difference to you. Or just talk about Bitcoin, all threads end up there eventually anyway.

WA, 3212 posts
20 Oct 2024 8:46PM
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psychojoe said..
No, I haven't got one, but there's some clever cookies on here who've shared some great knowledge, two that come to mind are Fangmans words about creating an environment for good oral bacteria to thrive, and Christians lesson in how to safely self land a kite.
It'd be nice if we could fill this thread with such wisdom, As a filter, don't post any of your own knowledge, just share what you learnt from someone else that made an impactful difference to you. Or just talk about Bitcoin, all threads end up there eventually anyway.

Shooting the breeze rots your brains. How's that?

No seriously, every thread becomes a degenerate discussion between a few members all about the same dribble. Between conspiracy theories and science articles (all about the same three topics mind you) I would actually find a thread on the best way to mow the lawn enthralling. Hell, I'll even settle for some fresh conspiracy theories.

WA, 8769 posts
20 Oct 2024 9:08PM
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Someone is allways watching

WA, 14905 posts
20 Oct 2024 9:10PM
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Subsonic said..

No seriously, every thread becomes a degenerate discussion between a few members all about the same dribble. Between conspiracy theories and science articles (all about the same three topics mind you) I would actually find a thread on the best way to mow the lawn enthralling. Hell, I'll even settle for some fresh conspiracy theories.

Does that matter though? If there were more interesting topics, people would participate, but there aren't. Which is why we end up at CTs and bitcoin spruiking.

WA, 3212 posts
20 Oct 2024 9:54PM
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FormulaNova said..

Subsonic said..

No seriously, every thread becomes a degenerate discussion between a few members all about the same dribble. Between conspiracy theories and science articles (all about the same three topics mind you) I would actually find a thread on the best way to mow the lawn enthralling. Hell, I'll even settle for some fresh conspiracy theories.

Does that matter though? If there were more interesting topics, people would participate, but there aren't. Which is why we end up at CTs and bitcoin spruiking.

Whilst I found the CT delusions and personal attachment to semantics amusing for a while (quite a while), it's getting pretty old now. I'm slightly surprised STB is still here. I guess Laurie may have come to the conclusion that if he shuts it down, the CTers and Science Scouts will just go disturb the other forums with their dribble.

yeah, ok. Reality is there's really only two he'd need to ban permanently. Everyone else just responds in kind to the gobbledygook when they see something they disagree with. We've had some differences in the past, but to your credit Formula, I think some of the topics you've posted here have been great topics for discussion. Relevant to what's going on in the world without being overly political.

WA, 3357 posts
20 Oct 2024 10:16PM
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After rebuilding an old school IC engine, pack the oil pump with petroleum jelly. On initial start the pump will pick up pressure almost immediately and the grease will melt away as soon as the engine warms up.

WA, 1557 posts
20 Oct 2024 11:25PM
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Subsonic said..

FormulaNova said..

Subsonic said..

No seriously, every thread becomes a degenerate discussion between a few members all about the same dribble. Between conspiracy theories and science articles (all about the same three topics mind you) I would actually find a thread on the best way to mow the lawn enthralling. Hell, I'll even settle for some fresh conspiracy theories.

Does that matter though? If there were more interesting topics, people would participate, but there aren't. Which is why we end up at CTs and bitcoin spruiking.

Whilst I found the CT delusions and personal attachment to semantics amusing for a while (quite a while), it's getting pretty old now. I'm slightly surprised STB is still here. I guess Laurie may have come to the conclusion that if he shuts it down, the CTers and Science Scouts will just go disturb the other forums with their dribble.

yeah, ok. Reality is there's really only two he'd need to ban permanently. Everyone else just responds in kind to the gobbledygook when they see something they disagree with. We've had some differences in the past, but to your credit Formula, I think some of the topics you've posted here have been great topics for discussion. Relevant to what's going on in the world without being overly political.

Who or what is STB?

WA, 14905 posts
21 Oct 2024 5:39AM
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Pcdefender said..
Subsonic said..

FormulaNova said..

Subsonic said..

No seriously, every thread becomes a degenerate discussion between a few members all about the same dribble. Between conspiracy theories and science articles (all about the same three topics mind you) I would actually find a thread on the best way to mow the lawn enthralling. Hell, I'll even settle for some fresh conspiracy theories.

Does that matter though? If there were more interesting topics, people would participate, but there aren't. Which is why we end up at CTs and bitcoin spruiking.

Whilst I found the CT delusions and personal attachment to semantics amusing for a while (quite a while), it's getting pretty old now. I'm slightly surprised STB is still here. I guess Laurie may have come to the conclusion that if he shuts it down, the CTers and Science Scouts will just go disturb the other forums with their dribble.

yeah, ok. Reality is there's really only two he'd need to ban permanently. Everyone else just responds in kind to the gobbledygook when they see something they disagree with. We've had some differences in the past, but to your credit Formula, I think some of the topics you've posted here have been great topics for discussion. Relevant to what's going on in the world without being overly political.

Who or what is STB?

STB is our secret code for this forum. When the Illuminatia ask us where we have been re-educating people, we need to use a simple acronymn otherwise it takes up too much time to describe how many places we are placing disinformation. In this case it is called shooting the breeze. Shooting means 're-educating' and breeze means 'general piublic'. It's simple really.

I am racking my brain to think of any pearls of wisdom, but I think there aren't that many that aren't just 'things I have learned'. Everything I can think of are my own learnings over the years, which is not what was asked.

My current complaint/learning is 'drivers in Perth can't seem to keep to a constant speed on the freeway and always seem to want to speed up after I catch them on the freeway'. It's hardly a pearl of wisdom though as the idiot drivers clearly have no idea. Maybe the pearl of wisdow is 'watch your own speedo and learn to keep your own speed, or better yet, learn to use a cruise control'.

WA, 14905 posts
21 Oct 2024 5:51AM
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remery said..
After rebuilding an old school IC engine, pack the oil pump with petroleum jelly. On initial start the pump will pick up pressure almost immediately and the grease will melt away as soon as the engine warms up.

I remember my father telling me that you need to keep the big-end and conrod caps matched, and that often they have numbers or marks stamped into them. I though this was obvious until I saw (after the fact) a mate reassemble an engine and find that when he torqued up one of the main bearings that the engine would no longer turn. He had no idea why.

I think the same friend reminded me that you really do need to top up the oil in an engine that has a steady oil leak as otherwise it locks up on the freeway and makes you push the car to the nearest off-ramp.

The same friend also taught me that you need to supervise people putting engines back together into the engine bay as sometimes people can connect the fuel return line up to the EGR system and pump fuel into the sump...

The same friend also proved that bonnet pins are a good idea and you shouldn't drive on the freeway without putting them back in.

Maybe what he really taught me was that sometimes it makes sense to take the time and do things slowly and double-check critical things as we all make mistakes.

1964 posts
21 Oct 2024 7:30AM
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He who dies with the most toys wins.

I think I first heard this quote on Seabreeze.

WA, 1771 posts
21 Oct 2024 7:58AM
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It's the motion not the potion.
Originally an oral care mantra, but it seems to apply to everything from the bedroom to the kitchen sink.

WA, 12429 posts
21 Oct 2024 8:23AM
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Not sure where I read it, but it's stuck with me.

"The only constant is change"

WA, 8769 posts
21 Oct 2024 8:57AM
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Nobody gets out alive

WA, 14905 posts
21 Oct 2024 10:30AM
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The truth is out there...

NSW, 589 posts
21 Oct 2024 1:40PM
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Insects are natures garbage collector and disease her clean up crew

Mark _australia
WA, 22833 posts
21 Oct 2024 1:29PM
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Every person on this planet knows at least one thing that you do not.

WA, 12429 posts
21 Oct 2024 1:34PM
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and that's a lot of things

WA, 6975 posts
21 Oct 2024 6:22PM
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psychojoe said..
just share what you learnt from someone else that made an impactful difference to you

Never look back,
Fear is just an illusion,
.....and chicks dig scars

If it bleeds you can can kill it

1964 posts
21 Oct 2024 6:37PM
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Comparison is the thief of joy.

Buster fin
WA, 2585 posts
21 Oct 2024 8:24PM
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Measure twice, cut once.

1964 posts
21 Oct 2024 9:00PM
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I've got ideas that I haven't even thought of yet

Brent in Qld
WA, 1162 posts
22 Oct 2024 2:15AM
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The aim is to die young as late as possible.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Pearls of wisdom" started by psychojoe