Well done Allen fels ! No bloody ****. Public has been aware of this wrought every time we get our wallet out , for a long time ,
speaking of price gouging , wondering what he got paid for the report ? thoughts anybody?
Bitcoins on the up, nearly as hot as Pt. Gregory property auctions after a COVID lull divided by the price of Ai generated avocados.
Well done Allen fels ! No bloody ****. Public has been aware of this wrought every time we get our wallet out , for a long time ,
speaking of price gouging , wondering what he got paid for the report ? thoughts anybody?
Allan Fels chaired the Taxi Industry Inquiry in Victoria and then soon after joined the board of UBER.
I assume this thread is about this current news item :
If it isn't,.... then I dunno, I have never bought anything from no Allan Fels. Did he sell you a secondhand North 3Di sail at an inflated price that had broken batten pockets, or give you a quote to install some new windows and then not turn up for 3 years ?
In regard to the news article, I always find these sorts of things kinda humerous :
The ability of companies to charge unfair prices, .....has significantly undermined the well-being of the Australians.....Allan Fels's ACTU initiated price gouging report calls for government to act against exploitative practices of big business...
Yeah mate ... soooo you got paid to conclude "the gubberment should do something" !!
Hey, here's a hint -> THEY DID !! they established the ACCC to do exactly what you'se is implying they should do, AND they paid you to be its head for like 8 years or something.
So what the friggin heck did you do as the highly paid head of the ACCC ?
Me thinks what he is really saying is ..... "I got paid ****e-loads to be head of an inefficient gubberment organisation that failed to do what it was charged with doing....and...my shoulders are sooo slippery I now get paid ****e-loads by other people to say how much of a ****e job I did, whilst being so dumb / arrogant / up-me-own arse / (insert your own insult here) that I don't even know how dumb / arrogant / up-me-own arse / (insert your own insult here) I am".
Disclaimer :
I haven't read the actual report, I just made some assumptions from reading a crappy abc news flash. But I'm not gonna let that stop me 'cause I know that I am right.
Allan Fels needs to investigate the price of bug-a-salt as a priority.
Allan Fels needs to investigate the price of bug-a-salt as a priority.
Lol. Wierdo
Allan Fels needs to investigate the price of bug-a-salt as a priority.
Yeah, but the best $80 I spent in a long time.
Allan Fels needs to investigate the price of bug-a-salt as a priority.
Yeah, but the best $80 I spent in a long time.
I was underwhelmed by the one I tried. Expected dismemberment and carnage but got mildly stunned flies. Prefer the $2 swat.
Maybe clumped or wrong salt?
I have a literal blast with mine.
Takes out the flies, and disintegrates moths.
More fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Not that I've ever had a barrel of monkeys.
I'd actually assume that they wouldn't be much fun, mostly very angry.
Flies can be pretty hardy. That makes it all the more fun I reckon. And I don't know how smart flies are but in my experience, once you've got 5 or so, you'll have trouble finding more.
But yeah, my bro claims it as the best krissy gift of his life. I gave it to him in 2022.
Yeah you need a slightly courser salt than the saxa table salt. I use a cooking salt sold in plastic bags at coles...
But don't expect a range of much more than a meter, remeber you don't want be tearing the house up.
If you want that get a 410... (not the same as 420)