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Radio Contests What Have You Won?

Created by Captain_Morg > 9 months ago, 3 Sep 2023
TAS, 729 posts
3 Sep 2023 8:08PM
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Tried to win some tickets to Melbourne the other day from Hobart Tasmania Rex Airlines. Went into raffle didn't win but will win something eventually ha ha
Like the Quiz on ABC radio Nightlife. ( on midnight here in Tasmania) want to get the mighty fridge magnet one day.

WA, 2161 posts
3 Sep 2023 7:39PM
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America sent their finest female assassin to get Bin Laden but the silly bitch mistook her Anthrax for her Tampax and blew up the wrong ****. That joke won me a DVD player at the radio station Sunday Session back when they were a thing.

WA, 3242 posts
3 Sep 2023 9:22PM
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$1,000 for knowing what a limited slip differential was.

Buster fin
WA, 2581 posts
3 Sep 2023 9:24PM
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Scored tix to Fuji Rock many moons ago. From Tokyo, not Oz.

WA, 2775 posts
6 Oct 2023 7:26PM
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Some were via radio station comps

Back when I was FIFO-ing, my dearly beloved went hard core entering all sorts of competitions,

Radio stations, cinema chains, newspapers, magazines, and gawd knows what else.

Prizes ranged from sample packs of cosmetics, foods [regular and exotic]
DVD's / CD's, movie tickets [regular / gold class / premiers] - had to give heaps away as it was hard to be at three cinemas at the same time!
Overnighters / weekenders at hotels all over the place [I used to joke about her developing a compulsion to collect hotel pens]
Flash feeds at restaurants,

But the two awsome-est wins were :

The Kimberly moon festival, with everything laid on including flight over the bungle-bungles and all the local touristy stuff and black tie catered feed at the concert [headline act was John Farnham]
Only pita was I had to hire a suit

The other awesome-est win was the trip to Vancouver,
This was a prize hooked up with a Zac Effron movie promotion - where Zac was a competitive olympic grade sailor who quit sailing after his kid brother died [A bit of a chick flick - but still a decent story]

Everything laid on including spending money, touristy stuff, and a day of sailing little two seater boats between a yacht club on the mainland and Vancouver island - dodging ferries, tankers, container ships and a big grey thing with blokes in white uniforms.
I always thought that sail has right of way, but we got the impression that the blokes in white were going by a different rule book.
Missus was paired up with a young lass from the yacht club, I had our youngest son in my boat - and considering the it had been 30 odd years since I had sailed a boat without wheels I reckon I did pretty good [but not according to soaking wet son]
Last minute entertainment was driving through Vancouver to the airport as the locals were rioting after their team lost to an American team for the Stanley Cup


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Radio Contests What Have You Won?" started by Captain_Morg