Maybe not exactly Robo but only RC
but anyway a lot of fun with my new toy !
Remotely operated up to 200m meters .
224cc motor
Mowing around my 2 acres around home usually took 2 days to complete now can be done in 2 hours or less.
Obviously I would not call myself Macro if something can not be improved already.
Since cutting height is set originally to 60mm and I need more
the only way was to install 8" wheels instead or original 6"
Additional advantage is now higher speed and handling rough terrain better.
Another drawback of using RC Mower is such
that once you tried it you no longer want to use any push or self propel mower anymore. even rideon.
Now encouraged with good result
I go for something bigger.
This supertoy come with 22HP Diesel motor
and 120 cm flail mower.
Cant wait to try it against my Lantana bushes !