Amazing to have this happening in our backyard in WA. Also have a second hand connection with my daughter helping to develop some of the Ai required to get through the sheer amount of data that will be generated.
SKA director-general Professor Phil Diamond said, when fully operational, the radio telescope will transmit a 10 terabit-per-second data feed to Perth, via 800km of fibre optic cable, which is roughly 10 times greater than any other science project has ever produced.
Amazing to have this happening in our backyard in WA. Also have a second hand connection with my daughter helping to develop some of the Ai required to get through the sheer amount of data that will be generated.
SKA director-general Professor Phil Diamond said, when fully operational, the radio telescope will transmit a 10 terabit-per-second data feed to Perth, via 800km of fibre optic cable, which is roughly 10 times greater than any other science project has ever produced.
How about posting a link so we can read more?
pfffft. as if.
Just exactly how do they expect us to beLIEve they can build a 'square' array if their world is curved ?
Think about it people, think about it.
By their own calculations they would have 8cm of curve in their 1km square.
And if, like they say speed of light is 300 million m/s then that 8cm 'curve' is gonna be like 1/24,000 of a second error in their calculations.
Gonna make their assessment of a 13 billion year old universe look a bit out.
By my calcualtion it would be an error of at least :
1 / 24,000
13,500,000,000 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60
of a second in the age of the universe.
F*** me man, if you just think about for like 30 seconds you can't make this sh** up.
Square kilometre, also expressed km2
so that is like kmkm
Also written mmkk, or mmkay.
It;'s like they don't want us to think about it. Yeah right, mmkay.
Sorry Carantoc, but engineers have been making building sites flat for ages.
We have laser guided scrapers and bulldozers now.
Obviously you can't use a "level", you have to use a "straight" and lasers are good at that.
8cm over kM, not a problem.
And you don't even have to worry about the ground, just adjust the height of each tower.
Hopefully it's finished before a change of government or the Libs will make the last 5km use the existing copper network.
Some links discussing the project.
It's a very international collaboration that appears to have full funding locked in. So it would be doubtful it will be mothballed or hamstrung. Currently estimated completion is 2028 but like the James Webb, I'm sure it will have a lengthy shake down. All in all, it has had far more than 30seconds of thought applied to it.