It's time.
- Maximum 1/day/person
(thought a change was due. Explanation about this photo below...)
Panda, I dunno that yours is funny.... I'd say the guy was probably one of society's major failures, worst of the worst, and has reformed. That is good he'd be 1 in a million. Naturally, I mean the guy on the left
So I better post a pic not just whinge
(proper use of You're and Your. Obviously not one of the kitetrolls on
I sorta see your point
The real WTF here is who red thumbed Moby's cheese rolling? Seriously WTF It is a pic of a cheese rolling race and somebody red thumbs it. Terribly offensive that pic!
No, only people who don't notice the photoshopping in that picture.
As for the first post, who else thinks Mr. 13's right nostril is slightly misshapen?